Hello Chris,

this actually makes me wonder: are enums eating so much space, 
especially when compared to those things, that you release with the 

Heard about this for the first time. Interesting.

On 24.04.2012 23:41, Chris Pratt wrote:
> that, since Enumerations are guaranteed to work with the == operator, 
> even when serialized/deserialized between different computers, Java 
> treats them special, by keeping them in the Permanent Generation (so 
> their internal ID's won't change).  Unfortunately, each time the app 
> is loaded a new set of Enumerations takes up more space in the 
> precious PermGen until it finally blows its lid.  So, theoretically, 
> you could use less PermGen by limiting Enumeration use, but that's 
> really not a realisticOn

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