I am not sure this will always be the best solution if the inserts at the two servers need to be treated as a single business operation.

The solution you propose means that the inserts do not happen atomically and therfore you will put Consistency and Isolation at risk - ie other applications will see some of the inserts before both transactions have committed.

Hi Rodrigo,

Does this really have to be in the classical sense of a "distributed transaction"? Can you not have App B embed a "undo" hypermedia link in its response?

Given the following steps:

1) App A starts transaction and inserts some rows
2) App A makes REST call to app B
3) App B inserts rows in a separate transaction and returns a 200 response including a "undo" hypermedia link
5) App A commits own transaction

If steps 1 or 2 fail App A rollsback transaction so no problem there.
If step 3 fails then a 500 response (or even a 4** one in case of validation errors) will be returned in which case App A can again rollback its transaction
If step 5 fails then App A makes a POST request to the "undo" URL


On 2 June 2015 at 18:03, Michael Musgrove <mmusg...@redhat.com <mailto:mmusg...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    REST-AT and JTA are different transaction models. Unfortunately we
    only provide an "inbound bridge" to go from REST-AT to JTA but I
    think you need the other direction ie JTA to REST-AT.

    There may be a workaround for you though which I would need to
    experiment with. You would need to start a REST-AT transaction and
    emulate what we do with the "inbound bridge" by manually starting
    a bridge. Something similar to:

    1) EJB in web app A will start a REST-AT transaction
    2) EJB in web app A will start an InboundBridge (instead of the
    JTA transaction):
                InboundBridge inboundBridge =
    from step 1");
    3) EJB in web app A will perform JTA work (insert some records in
    a database)
    4) invoke REST endpoint in app B passing the enlistmentUrl in a
    Link header
    5) Mark up the REST endpoint in app B (using the
    javax.transaction.Transactional annotation) - this will
    automatically start an instance of the inbound bridge
    6) commit the REST-AT transaction started in step 1. This will
    cause the work done in B and in A to commit within the context of
    the single REST-AT transaction.

    The only other ways to we have for distributed transactions are:

    - "distributed remoting protocol" for JTA (think EJBs)
    - and of course we JTS too;
    - web services transactions (XTS, WS-AT)
    - BlackTie for C based clients



    I have been reading the docs and taking a look at the code
    samples. I'm still unsure however if the protocol/api covers the
    scenario I'm in:

    I have a client web app (A), and a REST endpoint (B). Two
    separate applications. Client in web app A is not a REST endpoint
    itself, just a regular stateless EJB.

    So in my scenario the stateless EJB in web app A will start a
    transaction, insert some records in a database and invoke REST
    endpoint in app B, which in turn will also run a transaction to
    insert records in a database. We need to make sure these two
    transactions are atomic. That meaning, the two transactions
    should be only one.

    To me it seems that the protocol only covers scenarios where both
    participants in the transaction are REST resources, which in my
    case is not true. The client needs to participate in the
    transaction and it's just a regular EJB.

    Is this really the case?


    On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Rodrigo Uchôa
    <rodrigo.uc...@gmail.com <mailto:rodrigo.uc...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Thanks a lot, Mike! Exactly what I needed.

        On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 6:06 AM, Michael Musgrove
        <mmusg...@redhat.com <mailto:mmusg...@redhat.com>> wrote:

            The narayana transaction manager has a rest service that
            creates [transaction] Coordinator resources. These
            resources map onto conventional ACID transactions. It is
            up to your service to decide what to do when the
            "transaction" is completing. However, we also have a "JTA
            Bridge" that will detect when your JAX-RS service
            performs JTA work (JMS, JPA etc) and automatically enlist
            those XA participants with the currently active coordinator.

            Our on-line docs [1] contains descriptions of the
            [REST-AT] protocol and our implementation of it including
            a small section on the bridge [2]. We have a number of
            quickstarts [3] that show it action including a
            quickstart that demonstrates how to enable and use the
            JTA (inbound) bridge [4].

            We also provide an integration API [5] that abstracts the
            mechanics of participating in REST-AT transactions -
            there is a high level description of it on our team blog [6].

            [1] http://narayana.io/documentation/
            [3] https://github.com/jbosstm/quickstart/tree/master/rts

            I have an web application "A" that occasionally have to
            insert/update records that belong to another
            application, "B". To manage this requirement,
            application "B" expose some REST endpoints that
            application "A" will call whenever it needs.

            Problem is, we need to make sure that the
            inserts/updates occurring in both applications are atomic.

            Does anyone have done something similar and can point a
            solution? I know that there's a debate whether
            transactions in REST are conceptually wrong, but we're
            willing to break the rules in this case.

            OK let's not go there then (but when you say "we're
            willing to break the rules" you are already tacitly
            stating on which side of the argument you stand).



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-- Michael Musgrove
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            e:mmusg...@redhat.com  <mailto:mmusg...@redhat.com>
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-- Michael Musgrove
    Red Hat UK Ltd, Transactions Team
    e:mmusg...@redhat.com  <mailto:mmusg...@redhat.com>
    t:+44 191 243 0870  <tel:%2B44%20191%20243%200870>

    Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
    Directors: Michael Cunningham (US), Charles Peters (US), Matt Parson (US), 
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Michael Musgrove
Red Hat UK Ltd, Transactions Team
e: mmusg...@redhat.com
t: +44 191 243 0870

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Directors: Michael Cunningham (US), Charles Peters (US), Matt Parson (US), 
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