On Fri, 18 Mar 2011, Hyrum K Wright wrote:
I'm looking forward to the 2nd Apache retreat at the Knockree Hostel. As is my habit, I'll be attending Church services in Bray the Sunday of the retreat. As the services start at 11:00am, the busses into Bray on Sundays don't start running early enough to get me there in time. Does anybody know if either a Taxi or a private car is available from the hostel to Bray that morning?

We're planning to have at least 4 cars available to help shuttle people between Knockree and Bray. (There'll probably be a few more, if people get their work to pay for them, but that's how many we're expecting to pay for).

So, one option is that you volunteer to be one of the drivers, then you can give yourself (+anyone else who wants one) a lift in on the Sunday.

(We're looking for volunteers for this. It'd probably involve a couple of round trips on the Friday afternoon and Monday morning, likely one on each of Saturday and Sunday, plus taking people with you when you head from/to the airport/ferry terminal)

Also, it might be worth checking if the church in Enniskerry is a suitable demonination for you, as that's only half the distance.


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