I'm coming late to the discussion so this may have already been covered.
If it's on the same network as the backup server, why not just change
the communications protocol for the Powerbook client from IP to Appletalk?

> > It would be really nice if the powerbook could be set to automatically
> > use the dial-up TCP/IP config during the day so the user can get to the
> > internet, then switch to ethernet at night to allow network backup. Can
> > Location manager do that?
>I've found that the sky's the limit when it comes to Location Manager and
>AppleScript, so I'm sure it is possible to automate this process. How? I'm
>not the person to ask that...
> > WISH LIST ITEM: Put an "advanced prefs" section in the retro client,
> > where you can force it not to do those lookups at certain times of day.
> > Or let this be administered at the server.
>I've logged your suggestion.
>Matthew Tevenan
>Technical Support Specialist
>Dantz Development Corporation
> > From: Luke Jaeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Organization: Disney Magazine Publishing
> > Reply-To: "retro-talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 09:37:40 -0400
> > To: retro-talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: Powerbook dials internet once an hour?
> >
> > since this behavior only started after I installed the retro client, I
> > suspect the retro client.
> >
> > This powerbook rarely if ever leaves its spot on the LAN. Until I showed
> > up to install Retrospect, they weren't using any TCP/IP-based network
> > services over ethernet, just classic a'talk file sharing.
> >
> > It would be really nice if the powerbook could be set to automatically
> > use the dial-up TCP/IP config during the day so the user can get to the
> > internet, then switch to ethernet at night to allow network backup. Can
> > Location manager do that?
> >
> > WISH LIST ITEM: Put an "advanced prefs" section in the retro client,
> > where you can force it not to do those lookups at certain times of day.
> > Or let this be administered at the server.
> >
> > Matthew Tevenan wrote:
> >>
> >> The Retrospect Client will check its network connection every one hour. If
> >> your connection is a dial-up connection, this means it will try 
>to dial out.
> >> That's why I recommended using Location Manager to switch 
>between extension
> >> sets...
> >>
> >> This one-hour interval is up from a ten-second interval with the 
>4.0 client.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]      Ben Liberman

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