various parts snipped:

>>>This seems to be curing the symptom, not the route cause of the
>>>  problem. Why are they trying to dial out, there must be a reason?
>>>  This is not normal Mac behaviour, WiNT maybe, but not Mac.
>>On the contrary; it is absolutely normal behavior for any computer that uses
>>TCP/IP services as part of the core OS. The majority of new Macs being sold
>>are being connected to the Internet, and Apple has taken full advantage of
>>this fact in the feature set of the Mac OS.
>Yes, but that's not what I meant. You have actually told the OS (or 
>its components) to do something that requires a connection. If you 
>don't ask it to do those things it will not connect. My Macs do NOT 
>connect except when I know something is asking for the connection. 
>They NEVER connect all by themselves for no reason.

I agree that they never connect for -no- reason. But IMHO the 
previous correspondent has a point, which I paraphrase as "more and 
more you will do what Apple wants you to do, not necessarily what you 
want to do."

In the past few years, as Macs have become more internet savvy, I've 
run into mystery connections. Yes, they generally have a solution, 
but not always. For example, I have a 6500 with 9.0.4 which demands 
the right to do a DNS lookup whenever the File Sharing CP is opened. 
It does not matter if file sharing is on or not; in fact, the CP can 
be already open and if I just click on the Activity Monitor tab and 
then back to Start/Stop, it demands to do a DNS lookup -again-. No 
way to turn it off. If that 6500 can't get to a DNS server, it's a 45 
sec -lockup-. It also does not matter what kind of TCP/IP connection 
I'm set to (ethernet, DCHP, etc). I have a G4/9.0.4 which under the 
same circumstances shows no such behavior.

I've tried lots and lots of stuff, and have talked to Apple about the 
6500. I call it a bug, but I will not be getting much support from 
Apple for the 6500. They'd much rather I buy a G4 to solve my problem 
(go jump, Apple). The 6500 is an extreme example (but should it be?), 
since it is SO old (like, 2-3 years!). Powerbooks are less extreme, 
but I wouldn't trust a Pismo to necessarily behave like an original 

>Making the user do extra work because the Mac is not well set up is 
>not ideal IMO.

Agreed, but mysteries and bugs abound. And who (with Apple's recent 
history of DHCP issues, for example) really trusts Apple to get this 
all correct under the diversity of connection circumstances possible 
today? Not me.

Sorry for the rant. All flames will (seriously!) be directed to 
/dev/null. To try to salvage something from my post, I suggest get 
IPNR and -watch- the connections that are being made and when. Then 
you will have a clue as to what is going on (and probably, but not 
necessarily a solution).

Stefan Jeglinski

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