Yeah, I know. Stupid question... You guys work so many miracles already, I
guess I was just hoping for one more! Thanks for the best guess and of
course I won't call on april first saying "Eric Ullman daid it would be
ready by now..."
--Ben E

Eric Ullman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/06/2000 11:10:42 AM

Please respond to "retro-talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   retro-talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Ben Eastwood/HMG/Wilson Learning/US)
Subject:  Re: How Long does this take for you?

ETA? On software? Ha ha ha! That's funny, Ben! You crack me up, man...


Sorry. Couldn't help myself. I could say early Q2, 2001, but we _are_
talking about backup software here. That means that any bug that causes
loss is unacceptable. So, whenever coding and testing is complete. Still,
that's my best guess.

Eric Ullman
Dantz Development

Ben Eastwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> AHHH HA! Thanks Eric, that explains alot... the folder I backed up had
> over 300K files and the memory usage was pretty high during some portions
> of the process. Thanks for the workaround. Any ETA on the fix?
> Eric Ullman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doug is correct, though the limit is somewhere closer to 300,000 files.
> Retrospect for Windows 5.15 (and earlier) has an unexpected memory usage
> limitation (i.e., a bug) that prevents it from successfully scanning a
> volume containing more than 300K files. In such a case, Retrospect will
> respond with Error 625 (Not enough memory).
> This problem has been identified and will be fixed in the next release.
> In the meantime, the workaround is to have Retrospect backup that volume
> two or more subvolumes (outlined on pages 164-165 of the Retrospect
> Guide).

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