Retropsect Experts:

We upgraded an OS 8.6/ASIP 6.2 G4 to Retrospect 4.3, and for each of the
past three mornings since the upgrade, the server has been found with ASIP
in the foreground, and Retrospect in the background with the dialogue box
saying, "Do you really want to stop [Backup Set Umpty-Ump]? <CANCEL> <OK>"
Each backup session uses the same script, is set to run at 11:59 PM, and
takes only about 30 seconds (incremental).

*Nobody* has been in the locked server room at these ungodly hours - least
of all for three nights in a row - nor has anybody had indirect access via
Timbuktu or similar.  Retrospect 4.3 has been the *only* change.  Is there
something about the new program that could cause this behavior?

Meanwhile, I think we'll try version 4.2 for tonight's backup.


Mark E. Ingram


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