I've had the same problem with our back-ups. The only workaround that works
for me is to turn off the "lock out volumes during back-up" under
"AppleShare Options..."

on 12/7/00 5:18 AM, Mark at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Retropsect Experts:
> We upgraded an OS 8.6/ASIP 6.2 G4 to Retrospect 4.3, and for each of the
> past three mornings since the upgrade, the server has been found with ASIP
> in the foreground, and Retrospect in the background with the dialogue box
> saying, "Do you really want to stop [Backup Set Umpty-Ump]? <CANCEL> <OK>"
> Each backup session uses the same script, is set to run at 11:59 PM, and
> takes only about 30 seconds (incremental).
> *Nobody* has been in the locked server room at these ungodly hours - least
> of all for three nights in a row - nor has anybody had indirect access via
> Timbuktu or similar.  Retrospect 4.3 has been the *only* change.  Is there
> something about the new program that could cause this behavior?
> Meanwhile, I think we'll try version 4.2 for tonight's backup.
> Regards,
> Mark E. Ingram

James Haley, MCP
Systems Administrator
Contemporary Media, Inc.
901-521-9000 ext. 469

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