have checked in /etc/hosts file

172.1.8103   def def.domain.com

which is correct entry. My reviewboard cvs repo entry is also correct- 

On Monday, August 20, 2012 4:38:36 PM UTC+5:30, cmuser wrote:
> I have reviewboard install on server named "ABC(" & my cvs is 
> installed on server "DEF"
> when i commit code from ser "ABC" it works but same command when i try on 
> ser-"DEF" it fails with below error. Can some1 help where i am going wrong?
> Not sure if .reviewboardrc file should also be there, but i have tried 
> with that also but still it failed
> cat .reviewboardrc
> REPOSITORY = ':pserver:cmsuer@def:/opt/cvsroot'
> command on changed files-
> $>post-review --debug --server= --username=admin 
> --password=admin  --repository-url=':pserver:cmuser@def:/opt/cvsroot'
> >>> RBTools 0.3
> >>> svn info :pserver:kapilap@def:/opt/cvsroot
> >>> repository info: Path: svn.mmt.com:/opt/cvsroot, Base path: None, 
> Supports changesets: False
> >>> cvs diff -uN
> >>> HTTP GETting api/
> >>> HTTP GETting
> >>> Using the new web API
> >>> Attempting to create review request on def.domain.com:/opt/cvsroot for 
> None
> >>> HTTP POSTing to 
> {'repository': 'def.domain.com:/opt/cvsroot'}
> >>> Got API Error 206 (HTTP code 400): The repository path specified is 
> not in the list of known repositories
> >>> Error data: {'stat': 'fail', 'repository': 
> 'def.domain.com:/opt/cvsroot', 'err': {'msg': 'The repository path 
> specified is not in the list of known repositories', 'code': 206}}
> There was an error creating this review request.
> The repository path "def.domain.com:/opt/cvsroot" is not in the
> list of known repositories on the server.

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