I have also tried adding this to the svn config file in <site 

ssh = ssh -i /var/www/test.com/data/.ssh/id_dsa

but that doesnt seem to change anything either!

On Monday, 21 January 2013 10:04:30 UTC-8, Alex Edwards wrote:
> the server with apache and RB is runnning ubuntu, the svn server has 
> selinux but it has been disabled
> I tried using pysvn and was prompted for a password, after which it hung 
> for a while then seems to have exited python (i think), should I have still 
> been in the python shell after executing that command?
> aedwards@aedwards-vm1:~$ sudo -u www-data python
> [sudo] password for aedwards: 
> Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14) 
> [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import pysvn
> >>> client = pysvn.Client()
> >>> client.info2('svn+ssh://aedwa...@myserver.com/export/cvs/svn/repos')
> aedwa...@myserver.com's password: 
> aedwards@aedwards-vm1:~$
> On Monday, 21 January 2013 09:47:03 UTC-8, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> On 2013-01-21 12:42, Alex Edwards wrote: 
>> > I am still having trouble getting this to work, I am unsure what I am 
>> doing 
>> > differently to others. I started with rb 1.6 but couldn't get it 
>> working so 
>> > I thought I would have a go with rb 1.7.1 I reinstalled reviewboard and 
>> > rbtools. And I am still facing the same problems. 
>> > 
>> >     - I have created an ssh key pair and uploaded the key to 
>> reviewboard 
>> >     (and the server). 
>> >     - I can ssh to the server using the key 
>> >     - I can ssh to the server using the apache user (and key) 
>> > 
>> > When I attempt to add a repository I get an error "A repository was not 
>> > found at the specified path". 
>> This sounds suspiciously like Jonathan's recent git troubles... is your 
>> server using SELinux? If yes, have you checked your SELinux log for 
>> denials? 
>> -- 
>> Matthew 

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