Hello Tamas Mate, Qifan Chen, Impala Public Jenkins, I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/17170 to look at the new patch set (#13). Change subject: IMPALA-7825: Upgrade Thrift version to 0.11.0 ...................................................................... IMPALA-7825: Upgrade Thrift version to 0.11.0 Before this patch Impala mainly used Thrift 0.9.3, but it was possible to compile Impala shell with Thrift 0.11.0, so the 0.11.0 Thrift lib was already included in the toolchain. Most of the changes are related to replacing boost:: with std:: shared_ptr-s in cpp code (this is a continuation of patch by Sahil). The Thrift upgrade also needs an Impyla release with Thrift 0.11.0, as Impala's test framework relies on Impyla. A thrift_sasl release is also needed, because it currently pins Thrift version to 0.9.3 for Python 2. The current patch uses alpha releases from Impyla and thrift_sasl that use thrift 0.11.0. Notable side effects: - old logic to compile thrift for impala-shell with 0.11.0 was removed - THRIFT-3921 changed the stream operators to print an enum's name instead of its number, leading to slightly different messages in some cases. - "templates" was added to the thift generator's parameters to avoid a compilation issue (related to IMPALA-10600). I didn't notice any change in compilation time. This option generated .tcc files with templetized readers/writers for Thrift types. Currently we don't use these, but they could potentially speed up (de)serialization. Testing: - ran Impyla's test suite with Python 2 and 3 - ran core tests Change-Id: Idd13f177b4f7acc07872ea6399035aa180ef6ab6 --- M CMakeLists.txt M be/src/benchmarks/network-perf-benchmark.cc M be/src/catalog/catalog-server.h M be/src/catalog/catalog-service-client-wrapper.h M be/src/catalog/catalog-util.cc M be/src/catalog/catalogd-main.cc M be/src/rpc/TAcceptQueueServer.cpp M be/src/rpc/TAcceptQueueServer.h M be/src/rpc/auth-provider.h M be/src/rpc/authentication.cc M be/src/rpc/hs2-http-test.cc M be/src/rpc/thrift-client.h M be/src/rpc/thrift-server-test.cc M be/src/rpc/thrift-server.cc M be/src/rpc/thrift-server.h M be/src/rpc/thrift-thread.cc M be/src/rpc/thrift-thread.h M be/src/rpc/thrift-util.cc M be/src/rpc/thrift-util.h M be/src/service/impala-server.cc M be/src/service/impala-server.h M be/src/service/impalad-main.cc M be/src/statestore/statestore-service-client-wrapper.h M be/src/statestore/statestore-subscriber-client-wrapper.h M be/src/statestore/statestore-subscriber.cc M be/src/statestore/statestore-subscriber.h M be/src/statestore/statestore.cc M be/src/statestore/statestore.h M be/src/testutil/in-process-servers.h M be/src/transport/THttpServer.cpp M be/src/transport/THttpServer.h M be/src/transport/THttpTransport.cpp M be/src/transport/THttpTransport.h M be/src/transport/TSaslClientTransport.cpp M be/src/transport/TSaslClientTransport.h M be/src/transport/TSaslServerTransport.cpp M be/src/transport/TSaslServerTransport.h M be/src/transport/TSaslTransport.cpp M be/src/transport/TSaslTransport.h M be/src/util/parquet-reader.cc M bin/bootstrap_toolchain.py M bin/impala-config.sh M bin/impala-shell.sh M bin/set-pythonpath.sh M common/thrift/CMakeLists.txt M infra/python/deps/requirements.txt M java/pom.xml M shell/ext-py/thrift_sasl-0.4.2/setup.py M shell/make_shell_tarball.sh M shell/packaging/make_python_package.sh M tests/beeswax/impala_beeswax.py M tests/conftest.py M tests/query_test/test_observability.py M tests/shell/util.py 54 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 285 deletions(-) git pull ssh://gerrit.cloudera.org:29418/Impala-ASF refs/changes/70/17170/13 -- To view, visit http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/17170 To unsubscribe, visit http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/settings Gerrit-Project: Impala-ASF Gerrit-Branch: master Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset Gerrit-Change-Id: Idd13f177b4f7acc07872ea6399035aa180ef6ab6 Gerrit-Change-Number: 17170 Gerrit-PatchSet: 13 Gerrit-Owner: Csaba Ringhofer <csringho...@cloudera.com> Gerrit-Reviewer: Csaba Ringhofer <csringho...@cloudera.com> Gerrit-Reviewer: Impala Public Jenkins <impala-public-jenk...@cloudera.com> Gerrit-Reviewer: Qifan Chen <qc...@cloudera.com> Gerrit-Reviewer: Tamas Mate <tm...@cloudera.com>