This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Lines 213 (patched)

    Please tabs

Lines 303 (patched)

    Please tabs

Lines 36 (patched)

    No need to use the FQN here.

Lines 51-52 (patched)

    "How long"... what? Can you please be more verbose here?
    Also you mean request parameters, can you say this explicitly?

Lines 57-58 (patched)

    Blank comment line in-between, please

Lines 64-66 (patched)

    Please write a leading comment explaining what these functions return, 
i.e., last _finished_ state.

Lines 67 (patched)

    No need for process prefix, here and below.

Lines 81 (patched)

    What kind of statistics is this? Is this related to the last / active 
state? Or is it accumulated across all states since process launch? Can you 
please elaborate?

Lines 104 (patched)

    Let's call this guy `stopAndGenerateRawProfile()` for clarity.

Lines 124 (patched)

    ~~One shot one kill~~one line one declaration, please.
    Any reason to keep these fellas as `Try`s?
    Please also expand comments on these fields. For example, 
    // A timestamp of a last successful raw dump.
    Option<time_t> rawId;

Lines 130 (patched)

    Let's make it `const`. You will likely need a static or free function that 
read the env var.

Lines 52 (patched)

    Please backtick type, variable, class, and function names in comments.

Lines 198-240 (patched)

    Can we combine these two with in a `Result<T> updateJemallocSetting(const 
char* name, const T& value)`?

Lines 245 (patched)

    Here you convert `string` to `Path` in order to convert it back at a call 
site. I suggest to make `getRawProfilePath()` return `string.
    Also, there is no need in leading slashes.
    And since you already have a section for literals, maybe put file names 

Lines 261-271 (patched)

    It's not obvious that updating a setting triggers a dump. Can you please 
leave a note here?

Lines 275 (patched)

    One shot one...

Lines 313 (patched)

    Why newline?

Lines 326-330 (patched)


Lines 334 (patched)

    Let's make it a lambda in `start()`

Lines 347 (patched)

    Let's make it a lambda in `stop()`.

Lines 355-357 (patched)

    For clarity, let's instead make it 
    Option<time_t> extractIdFromRequest(const process::http::Request& request)
    Then at the call site you can say:

Lines 361 (patched)


Lines 372 (patched)

    Consider using an alias for `process::http` in this file.

Lines 382 (patched)

    kill "end"

Lines 387 (patched)

    This looks like a general pattern we use in libprocess. Can we add an 
overload for `route()` and fix other places? Somehting like this:
    template <typename T>
    void route(
        const std::string& name,
        const Option<std::string>& realm,
        const Option<std::string>& help,
        Future<http::Response> (T::*method)(
            const http::Request&,
            const Option<http::authentication::Principal>&),
        const RouteOptions& options = RouteOptions())
      if (realm.isSome()) {
        route(name, realm.get(), help, handler, options);
      } else {
        // Note that we use dynamic_cast here so a process can use
        // multiple inheritance if it sees so fit (e.g., to implement
        // multiple callback interfaces).
        HttpRequestHandler handler =
          lambda::bind(method, dynamic_cast<T*>(this), lambda::_1, None());
        route(name, help, handler, options);

Lines 395-398 (patched)

    I understand that you try to save some characters, but I'd argue and 
explicit `HELP` declaration is superior. Moreover, it is consistent to the rest 
of the codebase. Please define `static const std::string *_HELP();` functions

Lines 686-690 (patched)

    This looks to me that a situation when `rawId` is reset but the old file 
exists is possible. It is probably fine for now, but deserves a comment.

Lines 714 (patched)

    Don't you need to check `graphId.isSome()`?

Lines 807 (patched)

    Do you check that the file actually exists before streaming it to the user? 
I don't see it neither here, nor in `generateGraph()`. You probably want to put 
such check into `generateGraph()` and reset `graphId` in case file is gone or 
can't be accessed.

- Alexander Rukletsov

On Oct. 27, 2017, 7:04 p.m., Benno Evers wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/63368/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Oct. 27, 2017, 7:04 p.m.)
> Review request for mesos, Alexander Rukletsov and Benjamin Mahler.
> Repository: mesos
> Description
> -------
> This class exposes profiling functionality of jemalloc memory allocator
> when it is detected to be the memory allocator of the current process.
> In particular, it gives developers an easy method to collect and
> access heap profiles which report which pieces of code were
> responsible for allocating memory.
> Diffs
> -----
>   3rdparty/libprocess/Makefile.am ba9e78148932304ce1961b88e5f97180abd35586 
>   3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/memory_profiler.hpp PRE-CREATION 
>   3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/process.hpp 
> 8b8323f5fb4617aa9c22bbdb56af3d1cb0b06ea3 
>   3rdparty/libprocess/src/memory_profiler.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   3rdparty/libprocess/src/process.cpp 
> 2126c272a69bfa53b4b3cbbb1a55a3f81a5da8ad 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/63368/diff/2/
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Benno Evers

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