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Review request for mesos, Akash Gupta and Joseph Wu.

Repository: mesos


The fetcher is supposed to log its `stderr` output to a redirected file
called `stderr` in the given sandbox directory. There previously existed
a bug on Windows due to incorrect handle inheritance where this
redirection failed silently, leaving the log empty. These unit tests
assert that the correct content is logged to the `stderr` file for both
a success and failure fetch scenario.


  src/tests/fetcher_tests.cpp 1b4ba1d286f218731c13180e5189e91f90e3d63f 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/65624/diff/1/


Windows (Linux pending):
[ RUN      ] FetcherTest.LogSuccessToStderr
[       OK ] FetcherTest.LogSuccessToStderr (197 ms)
[ RUN      ] FetcherTest.LogFailureToStderr
[       OK ] FetcherTest.LogFailureToStderr (320 ms)


Andrew Schwartzmeyer

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