Github user pwendell commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ui/jobs/AllJobsPage.scala ---
    @@ -17,17 +17,172 @@
    -import scala.xml.{Node, NodeSeq}
    +import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer}
    +import scala.xml.{Node, NodeSeq, Unparsed}
    +import java.util.Date
     import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
    -import org.apache.spark.ui.{WebUIPage, UIUtils}
    +import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}
    +import{ExecutorUIData, JobUIData}
    +import org.apache.spark.JobExecutionStatus
     /** Page showing list of all ongoing and recently finished jobs */
     private[ui] class AllJobsPage(parent: JobsTab) extends WebUIPage("") {
    -  private val startTime: Option[Long] =
    -  private val listener = parent.listener
    +  private val JOBS_LEGEND =
    +    <div class="legend-area"><svg width="200px" height="85px">
    +      <rect x="5px" y="5px" width="20px" height="15px"
    +            rx="2px" ry="2px" stroke="#97B0F8" fill="#D5DDF6"></rect>
    +      <text x="35px" y="17px">Succeeded Job</text>
    +      <rect x="5px" y="35px" width="20px" height="15px"
    +            rx="2px" ry="2px" stroke="#97B0F8" fill="#FF5475"></rect>
    +      <text x="35px" y="47px">Failed Job</text>
    +      <rect x="5px" y="65px" width="20px" height="15px"
    +            rx="2px" ry="2px" stroke="#97B0F8" fill="#FDFFCA"></rect>
    +      <text x="35px" y="77px">Running Job</text>
    +    </svg></div>.toString.filter(_ != '\n')
    +  private val EXECUTORS_LEGEND =
    +    <div class="legend-area"><svg width="200px" height="55px">
    +      <rect x="5px" y="5px" width="20px" height="15px"
    +            rx="2px" ry="2px" stroke="#97B0F8" fill="#D5DDF6"></rect>
    +      <text x="35px" y="17px">Executor Added</text>
    +      <rect x="5px" y="35px" width="20px" height="15px"
    +            rx="2px" ry="2px" stroke="#97B0F8" fill="#EBCA59"></rect>
    +      <text x="35px" y="47px">Executor Removed</text>
    +    </svg></div>.toString.filter(_ != '\n')
    +  private def getLastStageNameAndDescription(job: JobUIData): (String, 
String) = {
    +    val lastStageInfo = Option(job.stageIds)
    +      .filter(_.nonEmpty)
    +      .flatMap { ids => 
    +    val lastStageData = lastStageInfo.flatMap { s =>
    +      parent.jobProgresslistener.stageIdToData.get((s.stageId, 
    +    }
    +    val name ="(Unknown Stage Name)")
    +    val description = lastStageData.flatMap(_.description).getOrElse("")
    +    (name, description)
    +  }
    +  private def makeJobEvent(jobUIDatas: Seq[JobUIData]): Seq[String] = {
    +    jobUIDatas.filter { jobUIData =>
    +      jobUIData.status != JobExecutionStatus.UNKNOWN && 
    +    }.map { jobUIData =>
    +      val jobId = jobUIData.jobId
    +      val status = jobUIData.status
    +      val (jobName, jobDescription) = 
    +      val displayJobDescription = if (jobDescription.isEmpty) jobName else 
    +      val submissionTime = jobUIData.submissionTime.get
    +      val completionTimeOpt = jobUIData.completionTime
    +      val completionTime = 
    +      val classNameByStatus = status match {
    +        case JobExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED => "succeeded"
    +        case JobExecutionStatus.FAILED => "failed"
    +        case JobExecutionStatus.RUNNING => "running"
    +      }
    +      val jobEventJsonAsStr =
    +        s"""
    +           |{
    +           |  'className': 'job application-timeline-object 
    +           |  'group': 'jobs',
    +           |  'start': new Date(${submissionTime}),
    +           |  'end': new Date(${completionTime}),
    +           |  'content': '<div class="application-timeline-content">' +
    +           |    '${displayJobDescription} (Job ${jobId})</div>',
    +           |  'title': '${displayJobDescription} (Job ${jobId})\\nStatus: 
${status}\\n' +
    +           |    'Submission Time: ${UIUtils.formatDate(new 
Date(submissionTime))}' +
    +           |    '${
    +          if (status != JobExecutionStatus.RUNNING) {
    +            s"""\\nCompletion Time: ${UIUtils.formatDate(new 
    +          } else {
    +            ""
    +          }
    +        }'
    +           |}
    +         """.stripMargin
    +      jobEventJsonAsStr
    +    }
    +  }
    +  private def makeExecutorEvent(executorUIDatas: HashMap[String, 
ExecutorUIData]): Seq[String] = {
    +    val events = ListBuffer[String]()
    +    executorUIDatas.foreach {
    +      case (executorId, event) =>
    +      val addedEvent =
    +        s"""
    +           |{
    +           |  'className': 'executor added',
    +           |  'group': 'executors',
    +           |  'start': new Date(${event.startTime}),
    +           |  'content': '<div>Executor ${executorId} added</div>',
    +           |  'title': 'Added at ${UIUtils.formatDate(new 
    +           |}
    +         """.stripMargin
    +      events += addedEvent
    +      if (event.finishTime.isDefined) {
    +        val removedEvent =
    +          s"""
    +               |{
    +               |  'className': 'executor removed',
    +               |  'group': 'executors',
    +               |  'start': new Date(${event.finishTime.get}),
    +               |  'content': '<div>Executor ${executorId} removed</div>',
    +               |  'title': 'Removed at ${UIUtils.formatDate(new 
Date(event.finishTime.get))}' +
    +               |    '${
    +                        if (event.finishReason.isDefined) {
    +                          s"""\\nReason: ${event.finishReason.get}"""
    +                        } else {
    +                          ""
    +                        }
    +                     }'
    +               |}
    +             """.stripMargin
    +        events += removedEvent
    +      }
    +    }
    +    events.toSeq
    +  }
    +  private def makeTimeline(
    +      jobs: Seq[JobUIData],
    +      executors: HashMap[String, ExecutorUIData],
    +      startTime: Long): Seq[Node] = {
    +    val jobEventJsonAsStrSeq = makeJobEvent(jobs)
    +    val executorEventJsonAsStrSeq = makeExecutorEvent(executors)
    +    val groupJsonArrayAsStr =
    +      s"""
    +          |[
    +          |  {
    +          |    'id': 'executors',
    +          |    'content': '<div>Executors</div>${EXECUTORS_LEGEND}',
    +          |  },
    +          |  {
    +          |    'id': 'jobs',
    +          |    'content': '<div>Jobs</div>${JOBS_LEGEND}',
    +          |  }
    +          |]
    +        """.stripMargin
    +    val eventArrayAsStr =
    +      (jobEventJsonAsStrSeq ++ executorEventJsonAsStrSeq).mkString("[", 
",", "]")
    +    <div id="application-timeline">
    +      <div class="control-panel">
    --- End diff --
    It might be good to give this div a 5 pixel lower margin.

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