andrej-db commented on code in PR #46642:

@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.v2
+import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
+import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, QueryTest, Row}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Aggregate, LocalLimit}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.FilterExec
+import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSparkSession
+trait V2JDBCPushdownTest extends SharedSparkSession {
+  protected def isFilterRemoved(df: DataFrame): Boolean = {
+    df.queryExecution.sparkPlan.collectFirst {
+      case f: FilterExec => f
+    }.isEmpty
+  }
+  protected def isAggregateRemoved(df: DataFrame): Boolean = {
+    df.queryExecution.optimizedPlan.collect {
+      case agg: Aggregate => agg
+    }.isEmpty
+  }
+  private def isLimitPushed(df: DataFrame): Boolean = {
+    df.queryExecution.optimizedPlan.collect {
+      case lim: LocalLimit => lim
+    }.isEmpty
+  }
+  protected val catalog: String
+  protected val tablePrefix: String
+  protected val schema: String
+  protected def executeUpdate(sql: String): Unit
+  protected def commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df: DataFrame): Unit
+  protected def prepareTable(): Unit = {
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""CREATE SCHEMA "$schema""""
+    )
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""CREATE TABLE "$schema"."$tablePrefix"
+         | (id INTEGER, st STRING, num_col INT);""".stripMargin
+    )
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""CREATE TABLE "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_coalesce"
+         | (id INTEGER, col1 VARCHAR(128), col2 INT);""".stripMargin
+    )
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""CREATE TABLE "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_string_test"
+         | (id INTEGER, st STRING, num_col INT);""".stripMargin
+    )
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""CREATE TABLE "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_with_nulls"
+         | (id INTEGER, st STRING);""".stripMargin
+    )
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""CREATE TABLE "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_numeric_test"
+         | (id INTEGER, dec_col DECIMAL(10, 2));""".stripMargin
+    )
+  }
+  protected def prepareData(): Unit = {
+    prepareTable()
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_coalesce" VALUES 
(1, NULL, 1)""")
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_coalesce" VALUES 
(2, '2', NULL)""")
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_coalesce" VALUES 
(3, NULL, NULL)""")
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_with_nulls" VALUES (1, 
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_with_nulls" VALUES (2, 
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_with_nulls" VALUES (3, 
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_with_nulls" VALUES (NULL, 
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_string_test" VALUES (0, 
'ab''', 1000)""")
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_string_test" VALUES (0, 
'FiRs''T', 1000)""")
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_string_test" VALUES (0, 'sE Co 
nD', 1000)""")
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_string_test" VALUES (0, '   
forth   ', 1000)""")
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."$tablePrefix" VALUES (1, 'ab', 
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."$tablePrefix" VALUES (2, 'aba', 
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."$tablePrefix" VALUES (3, 'abb', 
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."$tablePrefix" VALUES (4, 'abc', 
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."$tablePrefix" VALUES (5, 'abd', 
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."$tablePrefix" VALUES (6, 'abe', 
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."$tablePrefix" VALUES (7, 'abf', 
+    executeUpdate(s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."$tablePrefix" VALUES (8, 'abg', 
+    executeUpdate(
+      s"""INSERT INTO "$schema"."${tablePrefix}_numeric_test" VALUES (1, 
+  }
+  protected def checkAnswer(df: DataFrame, expectedAnswer: Seq[Row]): Unit =
+    QueryTest.checkAnswer(df, expectedAnswer)
+  protected def checkAnswer(df: DataFrame, expectedAnswer: Row): Unit =
+    QueryTest.checkAnswer(df, Seq(expectedAnswer))
+  protected def cleanData(): Unit = {
+    executeUpdate(s"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "$schema"."$tablePrefix"""")
+    executeUpdate(s"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 
+    executeUpdate(s"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 
+    executeUpdate(s"""DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "$schema"""")
+  }
+  test("string escaping test") {
+    val df = sql(
+      s"SELECT 'ab\\'', st " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_string_test` where st = 
+    checkAnswer(df, Row("ab'", "ab'"))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+  }
+  test("boolean AND and OR predicate push down") {
+    val df = sql(
+      s"SELECT id FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix` where (id > 1 AND 
id < 4) OR id = 7"
+    )
+    checkAnswer(df, Seq(Row(2), Row(3), Row(7)))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+  }
+  test("in predicate push down") {
+    // even mix types, we expect spark to insert casts
+    val df =
+      sql(s"SELECT * FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_with_nulls` " +
+        s"where id in (1, '2', NULL)")
+    // we do not expect NULL equality to work in IN
+    checkAnswer(df, Seq(Row(1, "first"), Row(2, "second")))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+    val df2 =
+      sql(s"SELECT * FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_with_nulls` " +
+        s"where NOT id in (1, '2')")
+    // we do not expect NULL equality to work in IN
+    checkAnswer(df2, Seq(Row(3, "third")))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df2))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df2)
+  }
+  test("case when in predicate push down") {
+    val df = sql(
+      s"""SELECT id FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix` WHERE
+         |CASE WHEN id = 3 THEN true ELSE false END""".stripMargin)
+    checkAnswer(df, Seq(Row(3)))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+    val df2 = sql(
+      s"""SELECT id FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix` WHERE
+         |CASE WHEN id = 3 THEN 2 ELSE 3 END = 2""".stripMargin)
+    checkAnswer(df2, Seq(Row(3)))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df2))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df2)
+  }
+  test("coalesce predicate push down") {
+    withSQLConf("spark.sql.ansi.enabled" -> "true") {
+      val cases = Seq(
+        "COALESCE(col1, col2) = 1" -> Seq(Row(1)),
+        "COALESCE(col1, col2) = 2" -> Seq(Row(2)),
+        "COALESCE(col1, col2) IS NULL" -> Seq(Row(3)),
+        "COALESCE(col1, col2) IS NOT NULL" -> Seq(Row(1), Row(2))
+      )
+      cases.foreach({ case (predicate, expected) =>
+        val df =
+          sql(s"SELECT id FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_coalesce` 
WHERE $predicate")
+        checkAnswer(df, expected)
+        assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+        commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+      })
+    }
+  }
+  test("unary minus predicate push down") {
+    withSQLConf("spark.sql.ansi.enabled" -> "true") {
+      val df = sql(
+        s"""SELECT id FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix` WHERE
+           |WHERE -id=3""".stripMargin)
+      checkAnswer(df, Seq.empty)
+      assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+      commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+    }
+  }
+  test("not predicate push down") {
+    val df = sql(s"SELECT id FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix` where 
NOT id = 1")
+    checkAnswer(df, (2 to 8).map(Row(_)))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+  }
+  test("null predicate push down") {
+    val df =
+      sql(s"SELECT * FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_with_nulls` 
where id is NULL")
+    checkAnswer(df, Row(null, "null"))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+    val df2 = sql(
+      s"SELECT id FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_with_nulls` where 
id is not NULL")
+    checkAnswer(df2, Seq(Row(1), Row(2), Row(3)))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df2))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df2)
+  }
+  test("LOWER and UPPER predicate push down") {
+    val df = sql(
+      s"SELECT st " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_string_test` where 
lower(st) = 'firs\\'t'")
+    checkAnswer(df, Row("FiRs'T"))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+    val df2 = sql(
+      s"SELECT st " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_string_test` where 
upper(st) = 'FIRS\\'T'")
+    checkAnswer(df2, Row("FiRs'T"))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df2))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df2)
+    val df3 = sql(
+      s"SELECT st " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_string_test` where 
lower(st) = 'se co nd'")
+    checkAnswer(df3, Row("sE Co nD"))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df3))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df3)
+    val df4 = sql(
+      s"SELECT st " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_string_test` where 
upper(st) = 'SE CO ND'")
+    checkAnswer(df4, Row("sE Co nD"))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df4))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df4)
+  }
+  test("LENGTH predicate push down") {
+    val df = sql(
+      s"SELECT st " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_string_test` where 
length(st) = 11")
+    checkAnswer(df, Row("   forth   "))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+    val df2 = sql(
+      s"SELECT st " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_string_test` where 
length(id) = 1")
+    assert(df2.collect().length == 4)
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df2))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df2)
+  }
+  test("ABS predicate push down") {
+    val df = sql(
+      s"SELECT id " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix` where abs(num_col) = 1300")
+    checkAnswer(df, Row(8))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+  }
+  test("FLOOR predicate push down") {
+    val df = sql(
+      s"SELECT id " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`${tablePrefix}_numeric_test` where 
floor(dec_col) = 42")
+    checkAnswer(df, Row(1))
+    assert(isFilterRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+  }
+  test("MAX AND MIN aggregate push down") {
+    val df = sql(
+      s"SELECT MAX(num_col) " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix`")
+    checkAnswer(df, Row(1250))
+    assert(isAggregateRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+    val df2 = sql(
+      s"SELECT MIN(num_col) " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix`")
+    checkAnswer(df2, Row(-1300))
+    assert(isAggregateRemoved(df2))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df2)
+  }
+  test("AVG aggregate push down") {
+    val df = sql(
+      s"SELECT AVG(id) " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix`")
+    checkAnswer(df, Row(4.5))
+    assert(isAggregateRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+  }
+  test("COUNT aggregate push down") {
+    val df = sql(
+      s"SELECT COUNT(num_col) " +
+        s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix`")
+    checkAnswer(df, Row(6))
+    assert(isAggregateRemoved(df))
+    commonAssertionOnDataFrame(df)
+  }

Review Comment:
   Add SUM test
     test("SUM aggregate push down") {
       val df = sql(
         s"SELECT SUM(num_col) " +
           s"FROM `$catalog`.`$schema`.`$tablePrefix`")
       checkAnswer(df, Row(4150))

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