uros-db commented on code in PR #47154:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/47154#discussion_r1694013340

@@ -1789,44 +1798,90 @@ class CollationSQLExpressionsSuite
           s"named_struct('f2', collate('$elt', '${t.collationId}')), 'f3', 
-      val tableName = s"t_${t.collationId}_mode_nested_struct"
+      val tableName = s"t_${t.collationId}_mode_nested_struct1"
       withTable(tableName) {
         sql(s"CREATE TABLE ${tableName}(i STRUCT<f1: STRUCT<f2: STRING COLLATE 
" +
           t.collationId + ">, f3: INT>) USING parquet")
         sql(s"INSERT INTO ${tableName} VALUES " + valuesToAdd)
         val query = s"SELECT lower(mode(i).f1.f2) FROM ${tableName}"
-        if(t.collationId == "UTF8_LCASE" ||
-          t.collationId == "unicode_ci" ||
-          t.collationId == "unicode") {
-          // Cannot resolve "mode(i)" due to data type mismatch:
-          // Input to function mode was a complex type with strings collated 
on non-binary
-          // collations, which is not yet supported.. SQLSTATE: 42K09; line 1 
pos 13;
-          val params = Seq(("sqlExpr", "\"mode(i)\""),
-            ("msg", "The input to the function 'mode' " +
-              "was a type of binary-unstable type that is not currently 
supported by mode."),
-            ("hint", "")).toMap
-          checkError(
-            exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-              sql(query)
-            },
-            parameters = params,
-            queryContext = Array(
-              ExpectedContext(objectType = "",
-                objectName = "",
-                startIndex = 13,
-                stopIndex = 19,
-                fragment = "mode(i)")
-            )
-          )
-        } else {
-          checkAnswer(sql(query), Row(t.result))
-        }
+        checkAnswer(sql(query), Row(t.result))
   test("Support mode for string expression with collated strings in array 
complex type") {
+    case class ModeTestCase[R](collationId: String, bufferValues: Map[String, 
Long], result: R)
+    val testCases = Seq(
+      ModeTestCase("utf8_binary", Map("a" -> 3L, "b" -> 2L, "B" -> 2L), "a"),
+      ModeTestCase("UTF8_LCASE", Map("a" -> 3L, "b" -> 2L, "B" -> 2L), "b"),
+      ModeTestCase("unicode", Map("a" -> 3L, "b" -> 2L, "B" -> 2L), "a"),
+      ModeTestCase("unicode_ci", Map("a" -> 3L, "b" -> 2L, "B" -> 2L), "b")
+    )
+    testCases.foreach(t => {
+      val valuesToAdd = t.bufferValues.map { case (elt, numRepeats) =>
+        (0L to numRepeats).map(_ => s"array(named_struct('f2', " +
+          s"collate('$elt', '${t.collationId}'), 'f3', 1))").mkString(",")
+      }.mkString(",")
+      val tableName = s"t_${t.collationId}_mode_nested_struct2"
+      withTable(tableName) {
+        sql(s"CREATE TABLE ${tableName}(" +
+          s"i ARRAY< STRUCT<f2: STRING COLLATE ${t.collationId}, f3: INT>>)" +
+          s" USING parquet")
+        sql(s"INSERT INTO ${tableName} VALUES " + valuesToAdd)
+        val query = s"SELECT lower(element_at(mode(i).f2, 1)) FROM 
+        checkAnswer(sql(query), Row(t.result))
+      }
+    })
+  }
+  test("Support mode for string expression with collated strings in 3D array 
type") {

Review Comment:
   yes, something like this looks fine - like what I was suggesting: 
`getCollationAwareBuffer` - one central place to handle all dataTypes, and then 
several helped methods to handle `ArrayType`, `StructType`, `MapType` - these 
special handlers for array/struct/map can call `getCollationAwareBuffer`, but 
they should definitely avoid calling each other
   so please give it a shot, fiddle around and try to make this approach work

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