Github user ScrapCodes commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
repl/scala-2.11/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkILoop.scala ---
    @@ -98,875 +60,39 @@ class SparkILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], 
protected val out: JPrintWriter)
         echo("Type :help for more information.")
    -  override def echoCommandMessage(msg: String) {
    -    intp.reporter printUntruncatedMessage msg
    -  }
    -  // lazy val power = new Power(intp, new 
StdReplVals(this))(tagOfStdReplVals, classTag[StdReplVals])
    -  def history = in.history
    -  // classpath entries added via :cp
    -  var addedClasspath: String = ""
    -  /** A reverse list of commands to replay if the user requests a :replay 
    -  var replayCommandStack: List[String] = Nil
    -  /** A list of commands to replay if the user requests a :replay */
    -  def replayCommands = replayCommandStack.reverse
    -  /** Record a command for replay should the user request a :replay */
    -  def addReplay(cmd: String) = replayCommandStack ::= cmd
    -  def savingReplayStack[T](body: => T): T = {
    -    val saved = replayCommandStack
    -    try body
    -    finally replayCommandStack = saved
    -  }
    -  def savingReader[T](body: => T): T = {
    -    val saved = in
    -    try body
    -    finally in = saved
    -  }
    -  /** Close the interpreter and set the var to null. */
    -  def closeInterpreter() {
    -    if (intp ne null) {
    -      intp.close()
    -      intp = null
    -    }
    -  }
    -  class SparkILoopInterpreter extends SparkIMain(settings, out) {
    -    outer =>
    -    override lazy val formatting = new Formatting {
    -      def prompt = SparkILoop.this.prompt
    -    }
    -    override protected def parentClassLoader =
    -      settings.explicitParentLoader.getOrElse( 
classOf[SparkILoop].getClassLoader )
    -  }
    -  /** Create a new interpreter. */
    -  def createInterpreter() {
    -    if (addedClasspath != "")
    -      settings.classpath append addedClasspath
    -    intp = new SparkILoopInterpreter
    -  }
    -  /** print a friendly help message */
    -  def helpCommand(line: String): Result = {
    -    if (line == "") helpSummary()
    -    else uniqueCommand(line) match {
    -      case Some(lc) => echo("\n" +
    -      case _        => ambiguousError(line)
    -    }
    -  }
    -  private def helpSummary() = {
    -    val usageWidth  = commands map (_.usageMsg.length) max
    -    val formatStr   = "%-" + usageWidth + "s %s"
    -    echo("All commands can be abbreviated, e.g. :he instead of :help.")
    -    commands foreach { cmd =>
    -      echo(formatStr.format(cmd.usageMsg,
    -    }
    -  }
    -  private def ambiguousError(cmd: String): Result = {
    -    matchingCommands(cmd) match {
    -      case Nil  => echo(cmd + ": no such command.  Type :help for help.")
    -      case xs   => echo(cmd + " is ambiguous: did you mean " +":" 
+" or ") + "?")
    -    }
    -    Result(keepRunning = true, None)
    -  }
    -  private def matchingCommands(cmd: String) = commands filter ( 
startsWith cmd)
    -  private def uniqueCommand(cmd: String): Option[LoopCommand] = {
    -    // this lets us add commands willy-nilly and only requires enough 
command to disambiguate
    -    matchingCommands(cmd) match {
    -      case List(x)  => Some(x)
    -      // exact match OK even if otherwise appears ambiguous
    -      case xs       => xs find ( == cmd)
    -    }
    -  }
    -  /** Show the history */
    -  lazy val historyCommand = new LoopCommand("history", "show the history 
(optional num is commands to show)") {
    -    override def usage = "[num]"
    -    def defaultLines = 20
    -    def apply(line: String): Result = {
    -      if (history eq NoHistory)
    -        return "No history available."
    -      val xs      = words(line)
    -      val current = history.index
    -      val count   = try xs.head.toInt catch { case _: Exception => 
defaultLines }
    -      val lines   = history.asStrings takeRight count
    -      val offset  = current - lines.size + 1
    -      for ((line, index) <- lines.zipWithIndex)
    -        echo("%3d  %s".format(index + offset, line))
    -    }
    -  }
    -  // When you know you are most likely breaking into the middle
    -  // of a line being typed.  This softens the blow.
    -  protected def echoAndRefresh(msg: String) = {
    -    echo("\n" + msg)
    -    in.redrawLine()
    -  }
    -  protected def echo(msg: String) = {
    -    out println msg
    -    out.flush()
    -  }
    -  /** Search the history */
    -  def searchHistory(_cmdline: String) {
    -    val cmdline = _cmdline.toLowerCase
    -    val offset  = history.index - history.size + 1
    -    for ((line, index) <- history.asStrings.zipWithIndex ; if 
line.toLowerCase contains cmdline)
    -      echo("%d %s".format(index + offset, line))
    -  }
    -  private val currentPrompt = Properties.shellPromptString
    -  /** Prompt to print when awaiting input */
    -  def prompt = currentPrompt
       import LoopCommand.{ cmd, nullary }
    -  /** Standard commands **/
    -  lazy val standardCommands = List(
    -    cmd("cp", "<path>", "add a jar or directory to the classpath", 
    -    cmd("edit", "<id>|<line>", "edit history", editCommand),
    -    cmd("help", "[command]", "print this summary or command-specific 
help", helpCommand),
    -    historyCommand,
    -    cmd("h?", "<string>", "search the history", searchHistory),
    -    cmd("imports", "[name name ...]", "show import history, identifying 
sources of names", importsCommand),
    -    //cmd("implicits", "[-v]", "show the implicits in scope", 
    -    cmd("javap", "<path|class>", "disassemble a file or class name", 
    -    cmd("line", "<id>|<line>", "place line(s) at the end of history", 
    -    cmd("load", "<path>", "interpret lines in a file", loadCommand),
    -    cmd("paste", "[-raw] [path]", "enter paste mode or paste a file", 
    -    // nullary("power", "enable power user mode", powerCmd),
    -    nullary("quit", "exit the interpreter", () => Result(keepRunning = 
false, None)),
    -    nullary("replay", "reset execution and replay all previous commands", 
    -    nullary("reset", "reset the repl to its initial state, forgetting all 
session entries", resetCommand),
    -    cmd("save", "<path>", "save replayable session to a file", 
    -    shCommand,
    -    cmd("settings", "[+|-]<options>", "+enable/-disable flags, set 
compiler options", changeSettings),
    -    nullary("silent", "disable/enable automatic printing of results", 
    -//    cmd("type", "[-v] <expr>", "display the type of an expression 
without evaluating it", typeCommand),
    -//    cmd("kind", "[-v] <expr>", "display the kind of expression's type", 
    -    nullary("warnings", "show the suppressed warnings from the most recent 
line which had any", warningsCommand)
    -  )
    -  /** Power user commands */
    -//  lazy val powerCommands: List[LoopCommand] = List(
    -//    cmd("phase", "<phase>", "set the implicit phase for power commands", 
    -//  )
    -  private def importsCommand(line: String): Result = {
    -    val tokens    = words(line)
    -    val handlers  = intp.languageWildcardHandlers ++ intp.importHandlers
    -    handlers.filterNot(_.importedSymbols.isEmpty).zipWithIndex foreach {
    -      case (handler, idx) =>
    -        val (types, terms) = handler.importedSymbols partition 
    -        val imps           = handler.implicitSymbols
    -        val found          = tokens filter (handler importsSymbolNamed _)
    -        val typeMsg        = if (types.isEmpty) "" else types.size + " 
    -        val termMsg        = if (terms.isEmpty) "" else terms.size + " 
    -        val implicitMsg    = if (imps.isEmpty) "" else imps.size + " are 
    -        val foundMsg       = if (found.isEmpty) "" else found.mkString(" 
// imports: ", ", ", "")
    -        val statsMsg       = List(typeMsg, termMsg, implicitMsg) filterNot 
(_ == "") mkString ("(", ", ", ")")
    -        intp.reporter.printMessage("%2d) %-30s %s%s".format(
    -          idx + 1,
    -          handler.importString,
    -          statsMsg,
    -          foundMsg
    -        ))
    -    }
    -  }
    -  private def findToolsJar() = 
    -  private def addToolsJarToLoader() = {
    -    val cl = findToolsJar() match {
    -      case Some(tools) => ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(Seq(tools.toURL), 
    -      case _           => intp.classLoader
    -    }
    -    if (Javap.isAvailable(cl)) {
    -      repldbg(":javap available.")
    -      cl
    -    }
    -    else {
    -      repldbg(":javap unavailable: no tools.jar at " + jdkHome)
    -      intp.classLoader
    -    }
    -  }
    -//  protected def newJavap() =
    -//    JavapClass(addToolsJarToLoader(), new 
IMain.ReplStrippingWriter(intp), Some(intp))
    -//  private lazy val javap = substituteAndLog[Javap]("javap", 
    -  // Still todo: modules.
    -//  private def typeCommand(line0: String): Result = {
    -//    line0.trim match {
    -//      case "" => ":type [-v] <expression>"
    -//      case s  => intp.typeCommandInternal(s stripPrefix "-v " trim, 
verbose = s startsWith "-v ")
    -//    }
    -//  }
    -//  private def kindCommand(expr: String): Result = {
    -//    expr.trim match {
    -//      case "" => ":kind [-v] <expression>"
    -//      case s  => intp.kindCommandInternal(s stripPrefix "-v " trim, 
verbose = s startsWith "-v ")
    -//    }
    -//  }
    -  private def warningsCommand(): Result = {
    -    if (intp.lastWarnings.isEmpty)
    -      "Can't find any cached warnings."
    -    else
    -      intp.lastWarnings foreach { case (pos, msg) => 
intp.reporter.warning(pos, msg) }
    -  }
    +  private val blockedCommands = Set("implicits", "javap", "power", "type", 
    --- End diff --
    Why did you block these commands, may be to retain the original behavior or 
something ?

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