Github user hvanhovell commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command
    +import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Ascending, Descending}
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
    + * Helper object to parse alter table commands.
    + */
    +object AlterTableCommandParser {
    +  import ParserUtils._
    +  /**
    +   * Parse the given node assuming it is an alter table command.
    +   */
    +  def parse(v1: ASTNode): LogicalPlan = {
    +    v1.children match {
    +      case (tabName @ Token("TOK_TABNAME", _)) :: restNodes =>
    +        val tableIdent: TableIdentifier = extractTableIdent(tabName)
    +        val partitionSpec = getClauseOption("TOK_PARTSPEC", v1.children)
    +        val partition = partitionSpec.flatMap(parsePartitionSpec)
    +        matchAlterTableCommands(v1, restNodes, tableIdent, partition)
    +      case _ =>
    +        throw new AnalysisException(s"Could not parse alter table command: 
    +    }
    +  }
    +  private def cleanAndUnquoteString(s: String): String = {
    +    cleanIdentifier(unquoteString(s))
    +  }
    +  private def parsePartitionSpec(node: ASTNode): Option[Map[String, 
Option[String]]] = {
    +    node match {
    +      case Token("TOK_PARTSPEC", partitions) =>
    +        val spec = {
    +          case Token("TOK_PARTVAL", ident :: constant :: Nil) =>
    +            (cleanAndUnquoteString(ident.text), 
    +          case Token("TOK_PARTVAL", ident :: Nil) =>
    +            (cleanAndUnquoteString(ident.text), None)
    +        }.toMap
    +        Some(spec)
    +      case _ => None
    +    }
    +  }
    +  private def extractTableProps(node: ASTNode): Map[String, 
Option[String]] = {
    +    node match {
    +      case Token("TOK_TABLEPROPERTIES", propsList) =>
    +        propsList.flatMap {
    +          case Token("TOK_TABLEPROPLIST", props) =>
    +   {
    +              case Token("TOK_TABLEPROPERTY", key :: Token("TOK_NULL", 
Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +                val k = cleanAndUnquoteString(key.text)
    +                (k, None)
    +              case Token("TOK_TABLEPROPERTY", key :: value :: Nil) =>
    +                val k = cleanAndUnquoteString(key.text)
    +                val v = cleanAndUnquoteString(value.text)
    +                (k, Some(v))
    +            }
    +        }.toMap
    +      case _ =>
    +        throw new AnalysisException(
    +          s"Expected table properties in alter table command: 
    +    }
    +  }
    +  // TODO: This method is massive. Break it down. Also, add some 
    +  private def matchAlterTableCommands(
    +      node: ASTNode,
    +      nodes: Seq[ASTNode],
    +      tableIdent: TableIdentifier,
    +      partition: Option[Map[String, Option[String]]]): LogicalPlan = {
    +    nodes match {
    +      case rename @ Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_RENAME", renameArgs) :: _ =>
    +        val renamedTable = getClause("TOK_TABNAME", renameArgs)
    +        val renamedTableIdent: TableIdentifier = 
    +        AlterTableRename(tableIdent, renamedTableIdent)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_PROPERTIES", args) :: _ =>
    +        val setTableProperties = extractTableProps(args.head)
    +        AlterTableSetProperties(
    +          tableIdent,
    +          setTableProperties)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_DROPPROPERTIES", args) :: _ =>
    +        val dropTableProperties = extractTableProps(args.head)
    +        val allowExisting = getClauseOption("TOK_IFEXISTS", args)
    +        AlterTableDropProperties(
    +          tableIdent,
    +          dropTableProperties, allowExisting.isDefined)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_SERIALIZER", Token(serdeClassName, Nil) 
:: serdeArgs) :: _ =>
    +        // When SET SERDE serde_classname WITH SERDEPROPERTIES, this is 
    +        val serdeProperties: Option[Map[String, Option[String]]] =
    +        AlterTableSerDeProperties(
    +          tableIdent,
    +          Some(cleanAndUnquoteString(serdeClassName)),
    +          serdeProperties,
    +          partition)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_SERDEPROPERTIES", args) :: _ =>
    +        val serdeProperties: Map[String, Option[String]] = 
    +        AlterTableSerDeProperties(
    +          tableIdent,
    +          None,
    +          Some(serdeProperties),
    +          partition)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_CLUSTER_SORT", clusterAndSoryByArgs :: 
Nil) :: _ =>
    +        val (buckets, noClustered, noSorted) = clusterAndSoryByArgs match {
    +          case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_BUCKETS", bucketArgsHead :: 
bucketArgs) =>
    +            val bucketCols =
    +            val (sortCols, sortDirections, numBuckets) = {
    +              if (bucketArgs.head.text == "TOK_TABCOLNAME") {
    +                val (cols, directions) = {
    +                  case Token("TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEASC", Token(colName, Nil) 
:: Nil) =>
    +                    (colName, Ascending)
    +                  case Token("TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEDESC", Token(colName, Nil) 
:: Nil) =>
    +                    (colName, Descending)
    +                }.unzip
    +                (cols, directions, bucketArgs.last.text.toInt)
    +              } else {
    +                (Nil, Nil, bucketArgs.head.text.toInt)
    +              }
    +            }
    +            val bucketSpec = BucketSpec(numBuckets, bucketCols, sortCols, 
    +            (Some(bucketSpec), false, false)
    +          case Token("TOK_NOT_CLUSTERED", Nil) =>
    +            (None, true, false)
    +          case Token("TOK_NOT_SORTED", Nil) =>
    +            (None, false, true)
    +        }
    +        AlterTableStoreProperties(
    +          tableIdent,
    +          buckets,
    +          noClustered,
    +          noSorted)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_BUCKETS", Token(bucketNum, Nil) :: Nil) 
:: _ =>
    +        val num = bucketNum.toInt
    +        val buckets = Some(BucketSpec(num, Nil, Nil, Nil))
    +        AlterTableStoreProperties(
    +          tableIdent,
    +          buckets,
    +          noClustered = false,
    +          noSorted = false)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_SKEWED", Nil) :: _ =>
    +        // ALTER TABLE table_name NOT SKEWED
    +        AlterTableSkewed(
    +          tableIdent,
    +          Nil,
    +          Nil,
    +          storedAsDirs = false,
    +          notSkewed = true,
    +          notStoredAsDirs = false)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_SKEWED", Token("TOK_STOREDASDIRS", Nil) 
:: Nil) =>
    +        // ALTER TABLE table_name NOT STORED AS DIRECTORIES
    +        AlterTableSkewed(
    +          tableIdent,
    +          Nil,
    +          Nil,
    +          storedAsDirs = false,
    +          notSkewed = false,
    +          notStoredAsDirs = true)(node.source)
    +      case (tableSkewed @ Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_SKEWED", _)) :: _ =>
    +        val skewedArgs = tableSkewed match {
    +          case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_SKEWED", args :: Nil) =>
    +            args match {
    +              case Token("TOK_TABLESKEWED", skewedCols :: skewedValues :: 
stored) =>
    +                val cols = => 
    +                val values = skewedValues match {
    +                  case Token("TOK_TABCOLVALUE", colVal) =>
    +                    Seq( => cleanAndUnquoteString(n.text)))
    +                  case Token("TOK_TABCOLVALUE_PAIR", pairs) =>
    +           {
    +                      case Token("TOK_TABCOLVALUES", colVals :: Nil) =>
    +                        colVals match {
    +                          case Token("TOK_TABCOLVALUE", vals) =>
    +                   => cleanAndUnquoteString(n.text))
    +                        }
    +                    }
    +                }
    +                val storedAsDirs = stored match {
    +                  case Token("TOK_STOREDASDIRS", Nil) :: Nil => true
    +                  case _ => false
    +                }
    +                (cols, values, storedAsDirs)
    +            }
    +        }
    +        val (cols, values, storedAsDirs) = skewedArgs
    +        AlterTableSkewed(
    +          tableIdent,
    +          cols,
    +          values,
    +          storedAsDirs,
    +          notSkewed = false,
    +          notStoredAsDirs = false)(node.source)
    +      Token("TOK_SKEWED_LOCATIONS",
    +      Token("TOK_SKEWED_LOCATION_LIST", locationMaps) :: Nil) :: Nil) :: _ 
    +        val skewedMaps = {
    +          case Token("TOK_SKEWED_LOCATION_MAP", key :: value :: Nil) =>
    +            val k = key match {
    +              case Token(const, Nil) => Seq(cleanAndUnquoteString(const))
    +              case Token("TOK_TABCOLVALUES", values :: Nil) =>
    +                values match {
    +                  case Token("TOK_TABCOLVALUE", vals) =>
    +           => cleanAndUnquoteString(n.text))
    +                }
    +            }
    +            (k, cleanAndUnquoteString(value.text))
    +        }.toMap
    +        AlterTableSkewedLocation(tableIdent, skewedMaps)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_ADDPARTS", addPartsArgs) :: _ =>
    +        val (allowExisting, parts) = addPartsArgs match {
    +          case Token("TOK_IFNOTEXISTS", Nil) :: others => (true, others)
    +          case _ => (false, addPartsArgs)
    +        }
    +        val partitions: ArrayBuffer[(Map[String, Option[String]], 
Option[String])] =
    +          new ArrayBuffer()
    +        var currentPart: Map[String, Option[String]] = null
    + {
    +          case t @ Token("TOK_PARTSPEC", partArgs) =>
    +            if (currentPart != null) {
    +              partitions += ((currentPart, None))
    +            }
    +            currentPart = parsePartitionSpec(t).get
    +          case Token("TOK_PARTITIONLOCATION", loc :: Nil) =>
    +            val location = unquoteString(loc.text)
    +            if (currentPart != null) {
    +              partitions += ((currentPart, Some(location)))
    +              currentPart = null
    +            } else {
    +              // We should not reach here
    +              throw new AnalysisException("Partition location must follow 
a partition spec.")
    +            }
    +        }
    +        if (currentPart != null) {
    +          partitions += ((currentPart, None))
    +        }
    +        AlterTableAddPartition(tableIdent, partitions, 
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_RENAMEPART", partArg :: Nil) :: _ =>
    +        val Some(newPartition) = parsePartitionSpec(partArg)
    +        AlterTableRenamePartition(tableIdent, partition.get, 
    +      (p @ Token("TOK_PARTSPEC", _)) :: (t @ Token("TOK_TABNAME", _)) :: 
Nil) :: _ =>
    +        val Some(partition) = parsePartitionSpec(p)
    +        val fromTableIdent = extractTableIdent(t)
    +        AlterTableExchangePartition(tableIdent, fromTableIdent, 
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_DROPPARTS", args) :: _ =>
    +        val parts = args.collect {
    +          case Token("TOK_PARTSPEC", partitions) =>
    +   {
    +              case Token("TOK_PARTVAL", ident :: op :: constant :: Nil) =>
    +                (cleanAndUnquoteString(ident.text),
    +                  op.text, cleanAndUnquoteString(constant.text))
    +            }
    +        }
    +        val allowExisting = getClauseOption("TOK_IFEXISTS", args).isDefined
    +        val purge = getClauseOption("PURGE", args)
    +        val replication = getClauseOption("TOK_REPLICATION", args).map {
    +          case Token("TOK_REPLICATION", replId :: metadata) =>
    +            (cleanAndUnquoteString(replId.text), metadata.nonEmpty)
    +        }
    +        AlterTableDropPartition(
    +          tableIdent,
    +          parts,
    +          allowExisting,
    +          purge.isDefined,
    +          replication)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_ARCHIVE", partArg :: Nil) :: _ =>
    +        val Some(partition) = parsePartitionSpec(partArg)
    +        AlterTableArchivePartition(tableIdent, partition)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_UNARCHIVE", partArg :: Nil) :: _ =>
    +        val Some(partition) = parsePartitionSpec(partArg)
    +        AlterTableUnarchivePartition(tableIdent, partition)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_FILEFORMAT", args) :: _ =>
    +        val Seq(fileFormat, genericFormat) =
    +            args)
    +        val fFormat = => 
    +        val gFormat = => 
    +        AlterTableSetFileFormat(tableIdent, partition, fFormat, 
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_LOCATION", Token(loc, Nil) :: Nil) :: _ =>
    +        AlterTableSetLocation(tableIdent, partition, 
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_TOUCH", args) :: _ =>
    +        val part = getClauseOption("TOK_PARTSPEC", 
    +        AlterTableTouch(tableIdent, part)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_COMPACT", Token(compactType, Nil) :: Nil) 
:: _ =>
    +        AlterTableCompact(tableIdent, partition, 
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_MERGEFILES", _) :: _ =>
    +        AlterTableMerge(tableIdent, partition)(node.source)
    +      case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE_RENAMECOL", args) :: _ =>
    +        val oldName = args(0).text
    --- End diff --
    Pattern match this?

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