Github user cloud-fan commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -154,56 +155,108 @@ class SimpleTestOptimizer extends Optimizer(
       new SimpleCatalystConf(caseSensitiveAnalysis = true))
    - * Removes the Project only conducting Alias of its child node.
    - * It is created mainly for removing extra Project added in 
EliminateSerialization rule,
    - * but can also benefit other operators.
    + * Remove redundant aliases from a query plan. A redundant alias is an 
alias that does not change
    + * the name or metadata of a column, and does not deduplicate it.
    -object RemoveAliasOnlyProject extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    +object RemoveRedundantAliases extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    -   * Returns true if the project list is semantically same as child 
output, after strip alias on
    -   * attribute.
    +   * Replace the attributes in an expression using the given mapping.
    -  private def isAliasOnly(
    -      projectList: Seq[NamedExpression],
    -      childOutput: Seq[Attribute]): Boolean = {
    -    if (projectList.length != childOutput.length) {
    -      false
    -    } else {
    -      stripAliasOnAttribute(projectList).zip(childOutput).forall {
    -        case (a: Attribute, o) if a semanticEquals o => true
    -        case _ => false
    -      }
    +  private def createAttributeMapping(current: LogicalPlan, next: 
    +      : Seq[(Attribute, Attribute)] = {
    + {
    +      case (a1, a2) => a1.semanticEquals(a2)
    -  private def stripAliasOnAttribute(projectList: Seq[NamedExpression]) = {
    - {
    -      // Alias with metadata can not be stripped, or the metadata will be 
    -      // If the alias name is different from attribute name, we can't 
strip it either, or we may
    -      // accidentally change the output schema name of the root plan.
    -      case a @ Alias(attr: Attribute, name) if a.metadata == 
Metadata.empty && name == =>
    -        attr
    -      case other => other
    -    }
    +  /**
    +   * Remove the top-level alias from an expression when it is redundant.
    +   */
    +  private def removeRedundantAlias(e: Expression, blacklist: 
AttributeSet): Expression = e match {
    +    // Alias with metadata can not be stripped, or the metadata will be 
    +    // If the alias name is different from attribute name, we can't strip 
it either, or we
    +    // may accidentally change the output schema name of the root plan.
    +    case a @ Alias(attr: Attribute, name)
    +      if a.metadata == Metadata.empty && name == && 
!blacklist.contains(attr) =>
    +      attr
    +    case a => a
    -  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
    -    val aliasOnlyProject = plan.collectFirst {
    -      case p @ Project(pList, child) if isAliasOnly(pList, child.output) 
=> p
    +  /**
    +   * Get an appropriate alias cleaning method for the given node.
    +   *
    +   * We currently clean Project, Aggregate & Window nodes.
    +   */
    +  private def getAliasCleaner(plan: LogicalPlan): (Expression, 
AttributeSet) => Expression = {
    +    plan match {
    +      case _: Project => removeRedundantAlias
    +      case _: Aggregate => removeRedundantAlias
    +      case _: Window => removeRedundantAlias
    +      case _ => (e, _) => e
    +  }
    - { case proj =>
    -      val attributesToReplace = {
    -        case (a1, a2) => a1 semanticEquals a2
    -      }
    -      val attrMap = AttributeMap(attributesToReplace)
    -      plan transform {
    -        case plan: Project if plan eq proj => plan.child
    -        case plan => plan transformExpressions {
    -          case a: Attribute if attrMap.contains(a) => attrMap(a)
    +  /**
    +   * Remove redundant alias expression from a LogicalPlan and its subtree. 
A blacklist is used to
    +   * prevent the removal of seemingly redundant aliases used to 
deduplicate the input for a (self)
    +   * join.
    +   */
    +  private def removeRedundantAliases(plan: LogicalPlan, blacklist: 
AttributeSet): LogicalPlan = {
    +    plan match {
    +      // A join has to be treated differently, because the left and the 
right side of the join are
    +      // not allowed to use the same attributes. We use a blacklist to 
prevent us from creating a
    +      // situation in which this happens; the rule will only remove an 
alias if its child
    +      // attribute is not on the black list.
    +      case Join(left, right, joinType, condition) =>
    +        val newLeft = removeRedundantAliases(left, blacklist ++ 
    +        val newRight = removeRedundantAliases(right, blacklist ++ 
    +        val mapping = AttributeMap(
    +          createAttributeMapping(left, newLeft) ++
    +          createAttributeMapping(right, newRight))
    +        val newCondition = {
    +          case a: Attribute => mapping.getOrElse(a, a)
    +        })
    +        Join(newLeft, newRight, joinType, newCondition)
    +      case _ =>
    +        // Drop blacklisted attributes that are masked in the current 
project. This allows us to
    +        // remove redundant aliases in the subtree.
    +        val childBlacklist = blacklist -- (plan.inputSet -- plan.outputSet)
    --- End diff --
    sorry I mean `childBlacklist`. We can just use `blacklist` if `Union` is 
fixed right?

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