Github user mengxr commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/random/RandomSampler.scala ---
    @@ -39,13 +42,46 @@ trait RandomSampler[T, U] extends Pseudorandom with 
Cloneable with Serializable
       /** take a random sample */
       def sample(items: Iterator[T]): Iterator[U]
    +  /** return a copy of the RandomSampler object */
       override def clone: RandomSampler[T, U] =
         throw new NotImplementedError("clone() is not implemented.")
    +private [spark]
    +object RandomSampler {
    +  /** Default random number generator used by random samplers */
    +  def rngDefault: Random = new XORShiftRandom
    +  /**
    +   * Default gap sampling maximum
    +   * For sampling fractions <= this value, the gap sampling optimization 
will be applied.
    +   * Above this value, it is assumed that "tradtional" bernoulli sampling 
is faster.  The
    +   * optimal value for this will depend on the RNG.  More expensive RNGs 
will tend to make
    +   * the optimal value higher.  The most reliable way to determine this 
value for a given RNG
    +   * is to experiment.  I would expect a value of 0.5 to be close in most 
    +   */
    +  def gsmDefault: Double = 0.4
    +  /**
    +   * Default gap sampling epsilon
    +   * When sampling random floating point values the gap sampling logic 
requires value > 0.  An
    +   * optimal value for this parameter is at or near the minimum positive 
floating point value
    +   * returned by nextDouble() for the RNG being used.
    +   */
    +  def epsDefault: Double = 5e-11
    --- End diff --
    The name `epsDefault` is not very clear to me. It could be a `val`.

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