Github user ktoso commented on a diff in the pull request: --- Diff: pom.xml --- @@ -760,6 +760,12 @@ <version>1.10.19</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> + <dependency> --- End diff -- Seems some confusion is here? Akka Streams does not depend on Rx of course, they both alternative implementations of Reactive Streams ( ) which have been included in JDK9 as `java.util.concurrent.Flow.*` and Akka also implements those, but does not require JDK9; you can use JDK8 + RS and if you use JDK9 you could use the JDK's types but it's not required. Anything else I should clarify or review here? For inter-op purposes it would be good to not expose on a specific implementation but expose the reactive-streams types (`org.reactivestreams.Publisher` etc), but that only matters if the types are exposed. As for including dependencies in core Spark -- I would expect this to carry quite a bit of implications though don't know Spark's rules about it (ofc less dependencies == better for users, since less chances to version-clash with libraries they'd use)
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