gaborgsomogyi commented on a change in pull request #24922: [SPARK-28120][SS]  
Rocksdb state storage implementation

 File path: 
 @@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state;
+import java.util
+import java.util.Locale
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.util.control.NonFatal
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
+import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkEnv}
+import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeRow
+import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.CheckpointFileManager
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
+import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
+private[sql] class RocksDbStateStoreProvider extends StateStoreProvider with 
Logging {
+  /* Internal fields and methods */
+  @volatile private var stateStoreId_ : StateStoreId = _
+  @volatile private var keySchema: StructType = _
+  @volatile private var valueSchema: StructType = _
+  @volatile private var storeConf: StateStoreConf = _
+  @volatile private var hadoopConf: Configuration = _
+  @volatile private var numberOfVersionsToRetain: Int = _
+  @volatile private var localDirectory: String = _
+  /*
+   * Additional configurations related to rocksDb. This will capture all 
configs in
+   * SQLConf that start with `spark.sql.streaming.stateStore.rocksDb`
+   */
+  @volatile private var rocksDbConf: Map[String, String] = Map.empty[String, 
+  private lazy val baseDir: Path = stateStoreId.storeCheckpointLocation()
+  private lazy val fm = CheckpointFileManager.create(baseDir, hadoopConf)
+  private lazy val sparkConf = Option(SparkEnv.get).map(_.conf).getOrElse(new 
+  private case class StoreFile(version: Long, path: Path, isSnapshot: Boolean)
+  import WALUtils._
+  /** Implementation of [[StateStore]] API which is backed by RocksDB and HDFS 
+  class RocksDbStateStore(val version: Long) extends StateStore with Logging {
+    /** Trait and classes representing the internal state of the store */
+    trait STATE
+    case object LOADED extends STATE
+    case object UPDATING extends STATE
+    case object COMMITTED extends STATE
+    case object ABORTED extends STATE
+    private val newVersion = version + 1
+    @volatile private var state: STATE = LOADED
+    private val finalDeltaFile: Path = deltaFile(baseDir, newVersion)
+    private lazy val deltaFileStream = fm.createAtomic(finalDeltaFile, 
overwriteIfPossible = true)
+    private lazy val compressedStream = compressStream(deltaFileStream, 
+    override def id: StateStoreId = RocksDbStateStoreProvider.this.stateStoreId
+    var rocksDbWriteInstance: OptimisticTransactionDbInstance = null
+    /*
+     * numEntriesInDb and bytesUsedByDb are estimated value
+     * due to the nature of RocksDB implementation.
+     * see for more 
+     */
+    var numEntriesInDb: Long = 0L
+    var bytesUsedByDb: Long = 0L
+    private def initTransaction(): Unit = {
+      if (state == LOADED && rocksDbWriteInstance == null) {
+        logDebug(s"Creating Transactional DB for batch $version")
+        rocksDbWriteInstance = new OptimisticTransactionDbInstance(
+          keySchema,
+          valueSchema,
+          newVersion.toString,
+          rocksDbConf)
+        state = UPDATING
+        rocksDbWriteInstance.startTransactions()
+      }
+    }
+    override def get(key: UnsafeRow): UnsafeRow = {
+      initTransaction()
+      rocksDbWriteInstance.get(key)
+    }
+    override def put(key: UnsafeRow, value: UnsafeRow): Unit = {
+      initTransaction()
+      verify(state == UPDATING, s"Cannot put after already committed or 
+      val keyCopy = key.copy()
+      val valueCopy = value.copy()
+      rocksDbWriteInstance.put(keyCopy, valueCopy)
+      writeUpdateToDeltaFile(compressedStream, keyCopy, valueCopy)
+    }
+    override def remove(key: UnsafeRow): Unit = {
+      initTransaction()
+      verify(state == UPDATING, "Cannot remove after already committed or 
+      rocksDbWriteInstance.remove(key)
+      writeRemoveToDeltaFile(compressedStream, key)
+    }
+    override def getRange(
+        start: Option[UnsafeRow],
+        end: Option[UnsafeRow]): Iterator[UnsafeRowPair] = {
+      verify(state == UPDATING, "Cannot getRange after already committed or 
+      iterator()
+    }
+    /** Commit all the updates that have been made to the store, and return 
the new version. */
+    override def commit(): Long = {
+      initTransaction()
+      verify(state == UPDATING, s"Cannot commit after already committed or 
+      try {
+        synchronized {
+          rocksDbWriteInstance.commit(Some(getCheckpointPath(newVersion)))
+          finalizeDeltaFile(compressedStream)
+        }
+        state = COMMITTED
+        numEntriesInDb = rocksDbWriteInstance.getApproxEntriesInDb()
+        bytesUsedByDb = numEntriesInDb * (keySchema.defaultSize + 
+        newVersion
+      } catch {
+        case NonFatal(e) =>
+          throw new IllegalStateException(s"Error committing version 
$newVersion into $this", e)
+      } finally {
+        storeMap.remove(version)
+        close()
+      }
+    }
+    /*
+     * Abort all the updates made on this store. This store will not be usable 
any more.
+     */
+    override def abort(): Unit = {
+      // This if statement is to ensure that files are deleted only if there 
are changes to the
+      // StateStore. We have two StateStores for each task, one which is used 
only for reading, and
+      // the other used for read+write. We don't want the read-only to delete 
state files.
+      try {
+        if (state == UPDATING) {
+          state = ABORTED
+          synchronized {
+            rocksDbWriteInstance.abort()
+            cancelDeltaFile(compressedStream, deltaFileStream)
+          }
+          logInfo(s"Aborted version $newVersion for $this")
+        } else {
+          state = ABORTED
+        }
+      } catch {
+        case NonFatal(e) =>
+          throw new IllegalStateException(s"Error aborting version $newVersion 
into $this", e)
+      } finally {
+        storeMap.remove(version)
+        close()
+      }
+    }
+    def close(): Unit = {
+      if (rocksDbWriteInstance != null) {
+        rocksDbWriteInstance.close()
+        rocksDbWriteInstance = null
+      }
+    }
+    /*
+     * Get an iterator of all the store data.
+     * This can be called only after committing all the updates made in the 
current thread.
+     */
+    override def iterator(): Iterator[UnsafeRowPair] = {
+      state match {
+        case UPDATING =>
+          logDebug("state = updating using transaction DB")
+          // We need to use current db to read uncommitted transactions
+          rocksDbWriteInstance.iterator(closeDbOnCompletion = false)
+        case LOADED | ABORTED =>
+          // use check-pointed db for previous version
+          logDebug(s"state = loaded/aborted using check-pointed DB with 
version $version")
+          if (version == 0) {
+            Iterator.empty
+          } else {
+            val path = getCheckpointPath(version)
+            val r: RocksDbInstance =
+              new RocksDbInstance(keySchema, valueSchema, version.toString, 
+  , readOnly = true)
+            r.iterator(closeDbOnCompletion = true)
+          }
+        case COMMITTED =>
+          logDebug(s"state = committed using check-pointed DB with version 
+          // use check-pointed db for current updated version
+          val path = getCheckpointPath(newVersion)
+          val r: RocksDbInstance =
+            new RocksDbInstance(keySchema, valueSchema, newVersion.toString, 
+, readOnly = true)
+          r.iterator(closeDbOnCompletion = true)
+        case _ => Iterator.empty
+      }
+    }
+    override def metrics: StateStoreMetrics = {
+      val metricsFromProvider: Map[String, Long] = getMetricsForProvider()
+      val customMetrics = metricsFromProvider.flatMap {
+        case (name, value) =>
+          // just allow searching from list cause the list is small enough
+          supportedCustomMetrics.find( == name).map(_ -> value)
+      }
+      StateStoreMetrics(Math.max(numEntriesInDb, 0), Math.max(bytesUsedByDb, 
0), customMetrics)
+    }
+    /*
+     * Whether all updates have been committed
+     */
+    override def hasCommitted: Boolean = {
+      state == COMMITTED
+    }
+    override def toString(): String = {
+    }
+  }
+  /*
+   * Initialize the provider with more contextual information from the SQL 
+   * This method will be called first after creating an instance of the 
StateStoreProvider by
+   * reflection.
+   *
+   * @param stateStoreId    Id of the versioned StateStores that this provider 
will generate
+   * @param keySchema       Schema of keys to be stored
+   * @param valueSchema     Schema of value to be stored
+   * @param keyIndexOrdinal Optional column (represent as the ordinal of the 
field in keySchema) by
+   *                        which the StateStore implementation could index 
the data.
+   * @param storeConfs      Configurations used by the StateStores
+   * @param hadoopConf      Hadoop configuration that could be used by 
+   *                        to save state data
+   */
+  override def init(
+      stateStoreId: StateStoreId,
+      keySchema: StructType,
+      valueSchema: StructType,
+      keyIndexOrdinal: Option[Int], // for sorting the data by their keys
+      storeConfs: StateStoreConf,
+      hadoopConf: Configuration): Unit = {
+    this.stateStoreId_ = stateStoreId
+    this.keySchema = keySchema
+    this.valueSchema = valueSchema
+    this.storeConf = storeConfs
+    this.hadoopConf = hadoopConf
+    this.numberOfVersionsToRetain = storeConfs.maxVersionsToRetainInMemory
+    fm.mkdirs(baseDir)
+    this.rocksDbConf = storeConf.confs
+      .filter(_._1.startsWith("spark.sql.streaming.stateStore.rocksDb"))
+      .map {
+        case (k, v) => (k.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), v)
+      }
+    this.localDirectory = this.rocksDbConf
+      .getOrElse(
+        Utils.createTempDir().getAbsoluteFile.toString)
+  }
+  /*
+   * Return the id of the StateStores this provider will generate.
+   * Should be the same as the one passed in init().
+   */
+  override def stateStoreId: StateStoreId = stateStoreId_
+  /*
+   * Called when the provider instance is unloaded from the executor
+   */
+  override def close(): Unit = {
+    storeMap.values.asScala.foreach(_.close)
+    storeMap.clear()
+  }
+  private val storeMap = new util.HashMap[Long, RocksDbStateStore]()
+  /*
+   * Optional custom metrics that the implementation may want to report.
+   *
+   * @note The StateStore objects created by this provider must report the 
same custom metrics
+   *       (specifically, same names) through `StateStore.metrics`.
+   */
+  // TODO
+  override def supportedCustomMetrics: Seq[StateStoreCustomMetric] = {
+    Nil
+  }
+  override def toString(): String = {
+    s"RocksDbStateStoreProvider[" +
+      s"id = 
(op=${stateStoreId.operatorId},part=${stateStoreId.partitionId}),dir = 
+  }
+  def getMetricsForProvider(): Map[String, Long] = synchronized {
+    Map.empty[String, Long]
+  }
+  /*
+   * Return an instance of [[StateStore]] representing state data of the given 
+   */
+  override def getStore(version: Long): StateStore = synchronized {
+    logInfo(s"get Store for version $version")
+    require(version >= 0, "Version cannot be less than 0")
+    if (storeMap.containsKey(version)) {
+      storeMap.get(version)
+    } else {
+      val store = createStore(version)
+      storeMap.put(version, store)
+      store
+    }
+  }
+  private def createStore(version: Long): RocksDbStateStore = {
+    val newStore = new RocksDbStateStore(version)
+    if (version > 0) {
+      // load the data into the rocksDB
+      logInfo(
+        s"Loading state into the db for $version and partition 
+      loadIntoRocksDB(version)
+    }
+    newStore
+  }
+  private def loadIntoRocksDB(version: Long): Unit = {
+    /*
+       1. Get last available/committed Rocksdb version in local folder
+       2. If last committed version = version, we already have loaded rocksdb 
+       3. If last committed version = version - 1,
+          we have to apply delta for version in the existing rocksdb
+       4. Otherwise we have to recreate a new rocksDB store by using 
+     */
+    val (_, elapsedMs) = Utils.timeTakenMs {
+      var lastAvailableVersion = getLastCommittedVersion()
+      if (lastAvailableVersion == -1L || lastAvailableVersion <= version - 2) {
+        // Destroy existing DB so that we can reconstruct it using snapshot 
and delta files
+        RocksDbInstance.destroyDB(rocksDbPath)
+        var lastAvailableSnapShotVersion: Long = version + 1
+        // load from snapshot
+        var found = false
+        while (!found && lastAvailableSnapShotVersion > 0) {
+          try {
+            lastAvailableSnapShotVersion = lastAvailableSnapShotVersion - 1
+            found = loadSnapshotFile(lastAvailableSnapShotVersion)
+            logDebug(
+              s"Snapshot for version $lastAvailableSnapShotVersion " +
+                "and partition ${stateStoreId_.partitionId}:  found = $found")
+          } catch {
+            case e: Exception =>
+              logError(s"$e while reading snapshot file")
+              throw e
+          }
+        }
+        lastAvailableVersion = lastAvailableSnapShotVersion
+      }
+      if (lastAvailableVersion < version) {
+        applyDelta(version, lastAvailableVersion)
+      }
+    }
+    logInfo(
+      s"Loading state for $version and partition ${stateStoreId_.partitionId} 
took $elapsedMs ms.")
+  }
+  private def getLastCommittedVersion(): Long = {
+    val f = new File(rocksDbPath, RocksDbInstance.COMMIT_FILE_NAME)
+    if (f.exists()) {
+      try {
+        val fileContents =
+        return fileContents.toLong
+      } catch {
+        case e: Exception =>
+          logWarning("Exception while reading committed file")
+      }
+    }
+    return -1L
+  }
+  private def loadSnapshotFile(version: Long): Boolean = {
+    val fileToRead = snapshotFile(baseDir, version)
+    if (version == 0 || !fm.exists(fileToRead)) {
+      return false
+    }
+    val versionTempPath = getTempPath(version)
+    val tmpLocDir: File = new File(versionTempPath)
+    val tmpLocFile: File = new File(s"${versionTempPath}.tar")
+    try {
+      logInfo(s"Will download $fileToRead at location 
+      if (downloadFile(fm, fileToRead, new Path(tmpLocFile.getAbsolutePath), 
sparkConf)) {
+        FileUtility.extractTarFile(tmpLocFile.getAbsolutePath, versionTempPath)
+        if (!tmpLocDir.list().exists(_.endsWith(".sst"))) {
+          logWarning("Snapshot files are corrupted")
+          throw new IOException(
+            s"Error reading snapshot file $fileToRead of $this:" +
+              s" No SST files found")
+        }
+        FileUtils.moveDirectory(tmpLocDir, new File(rocksDbPath))
+        true
+      } else {
+        false
+      }
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        logError(s"Exception while loading snapshot file $e")
+        throw e
+    } finally {
+      if (tmpLocFile.exists()) {
+        tmpLocFile.delete()
+      }
+      FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tmpLocDir)
+    }
+  }
+  private def applyDelta(version: Long, lastAvailableVersion: Long): Unit = {
+    var rocksDbWriteInstance: OptimisticTransactionDbInstance = null
+    try {
+      rocksDbWriteInstance =
+        new OptimisticTransactionDbInstance(keySchema, valueSchema, 
version.toString, rocksDbConf)
+      rocksDbWriteInstance.startTransactions()
+      // Load all the deltas from the version after the last available
+      // one up to the target version.
+      // The last available version is the one with a full snapshot, so it 
doesn't need deltas.
+      for (deltaVersion <- (lastAvailableVersion + 1) to version) {
+        val fileToRead = deltaFile(baseDir, deltaVersion)
+        updateFromDeltaFile(
+          fm,
+          fileToRead,
+          keySchema,
+          valueSchema,
+          rocksDbWriteInstance,
+          sparkConf)
+        logInfo(s"Read delta file for version $version of $this from 
+      }
+      rocksDbWriteInstance.commit(Some(getCheckpointPath(version)))
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        logError(s"Exception while loading state ${e.getMessage}")
+        if (rocksDbWriteInstance != null) {
+          rocksDbWriteInstance.abort()
+        }
+        throw e
+    } finally {
+      if (rocksDbWriteInstance != null) {
+        rocksDbWriteInstance.close()
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /** Optional method for providers to allow for background maintenance (e.g. 
compactions) */
+  override def doMaintenance(): Unit = {
+    try {
+      val (files: Seq[WALUtils.StoreFile], e1) = 
Utils.timeTakenMs(fetchFiles(fm, baseDir))
+      logDebug(s"fetchFiles() took $e1 ms.")
+      doSnapshot(files)
+      cleanup(files)
+      cleanRocksDBCheckpoints(files)
+    } catch {
+      case NonFatal(e) =>
+        logWarning(s"Error performing snapshot and cleaning up $this")
+    }
+  }
+  private def doSnapshot(files: Seq[WALUtils.StoreFile]): Unit = {
+    if (files.nonEmpty) {
+      val lastVersion = files.last.version
+      val deltaFilesForLastVersion =
+        filesForVersion(files, lastVersion).filter(_.isSnapshot == false)
+      if (deltaFilesForLastVersion.size > storeConf.minDeltasForSnapshot) {
+        val dbPath = getCheckpointPath(lastVersion)
+        val snapShotFileName = s"{getTempPath(lastVersion)}.snapshot"
+        val f = new File(snapShotFileName)
+        try {
+          val (_, t1) = Utils.timeTakenMs {
+            FileUtility.createTarFile(dbPath, snapShotFileName)
+            val targetFile = snapshotFile(baseDir, lastVersion)
+            uploadFile(fm, new Path(snapShotFileName), targetFile, sparkConf)
+          }
+          logInfo(s"Creating snapshot file for ${stateStoreId_.partitionId} 
took $t1 ms.")
+        } catch {
+          case e: Exception =>
+            logError(s"Exception while creating snapshot $e")
+            throw e
+        } finally {
+          f.delete() // delete the tarball
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /*
+   * Clean up old snapshots and delta files that are not needed any more. It 
ensures that last
+   * few versions of the store can be recovered from the files, so re-executed 
RDD operations
+   * can re-apply updates on the past versions of the store.
+   */
+  private[state] def cleanup(files: Seq[WALUtils.StoreFile]): Unit = {
+    try {
+      if (files.nonEmpty) {
+        val earliestVersionToRetain = files.last.version - 
+        if (earliestVersionToRetain > 0) {
+          val earliestFileToRetain = filesForVersion(files, 
+          val filesToDelete = files.filter(_.version < 
+          val (_, e2) = Utils.timeTakenMs {
+            filesToDelete.foreach { f =>
+              fm.delete(f.path)
+              val file = new File(rocksDbPath, f.version.toString)
+              if (file.exists()) {
+                file.delete()
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          logDebug(s"deleting files took $e2 ms.")
+          logInfo(
+            s"Deleted files older than ${earliestFileToRetain.version} for 
$this: " +
+              filesToDelete.mkString(", "))
+        }
+      }
+    } catch {
+      case NonFatal(e) =>
+        logWarning(s"Error cleaning up files for $this", e)
+    }
+  }
+  private def cleanRocksDBCheckpoints(files: Seq[WALUtils.StoreFile]): Unit = {
+    try {
+      val (_, e2) = Utils.timeTakenMs {
+        if (files.nonEmpty) {
+          val earliestVersionToRetain = files.last.version - 
+          if (earliestVersionToRetain > 0) {
+            new File(getCheckpointPath(earliestVersionToRetain)).getParentFile
+              .listFiles(new FileFilter {
+                def accept(f: File): Boolean = {
+                  try {
+                    f.getName.toLong < earliestVersionToRetain
+                  } catch {
+                    case _: NumberFormatException => false
+                  }
+                }
+              })
+              .foreach(p => RocksDbInstance.destroyDB(p.getAbsolutePath))
+            logInfo(
+              s"Deleted rocksDB checkpoints older than 
${earliestVersionToRetain} for $this: ")
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      logDebug(s"deleting rocksDB checkpoints took $e2 ms.")
+    } catch {
+      case NonFatal(e) => logWarning(s"Error cleaning up files for $this", e)
+    }
+  }
+  // Used only for unit tests
+  private[sql] def latestIterator(): Iterator[UnsafeRowPair] = synchronized {
+    val versionsInFiles = fetchFiles(fm, baseDir).map(_.version).toSet
+    if (versionsInFiles.nonEmpty) {
+      val maxVersion = versionsInFiles.max
+      if (maxVersion > 0) {
+        loadIntoRocksDB(maxVersion)
+        val r: RocksDbInstance =
+          new RocksDbInstance(keySchema, valueSchema, maxVersion.toString, 
+        try {
+, readOnly = true)
+          return r.iterator(false)
+        } catch {
+          case e: Exception =>
+            logWarning(s"Exception ${e.getMessage} while getting latest 
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    Iterator.empty
+  }
+  private[sql] def getLocalDirectory: String = localDirectory
+  private[sql] lazy val rocksDbPath: String = {
+    getPath("db")
+  }
+  private def getCheckpointPath(version: Long): String = {
+    getPath("checkpoint", version.toString)
+  }
+  private def getTempPath(version: Long): String = {
+    getPath("tmp", version.toString)
+  }
+  private def getPath(parentFolderName: String, version: String = null): 
String = {
+    val checkpointRootLocationPath = new 
+    val basePath = new Path(
+      localDirectory,
+      new Path(
+        parentFolderName,
+        checkpointRootLocationPath.getName + "_" + 
+    val dirPath = new Path(
+      basePath,
+      new Path(stateStoreId_.operatorId.toString, 
+    val f: File = new File(dirPath.toString)
+    if (!f.exists()) {
+      logInfo(s"creating rocksDb directory at : ${dirPath.toString}")
+      f.mkdirs()
 Review comment:
   What if returns false?

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