
I've built nearly all rhel 3 srpms on a completely updated redhat 9 and a not
at all updated taroon. However, at and prelink fail their make tests on both
rh9 and taroon, and building openoffice segfaults on taroon and is missing deps
on rh9. Any ideas?

The failure logs can be found at:
The comps and rpmdb packages have obviously failed, I haven't configured them

Also, I've noticed that beecrypt-python won't install, even though all other
beecrypt-* packages have been installed.
[/usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386]# rpm -U -v
error: Failed dependencies:
        libbeecrypt.so.2 is needed by beecrypt-python-3.0.1-0.20030630

Maybe I'll try to replace the failed packages with ones from taroon or rh9  and
see if I can make an installable rhel-like system and use it to build again.


Sam J. Engstrom         Tel. +358 400 462442      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Managing Director              Nemesol               http://nemesol.fi
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