Lucas Albers wrote:
Some info on the legality of rebuilding as.
via rhel-3 mailing list.

This is incorrect.

Already you are breaking license conditions. If you buy 1, then you have 1
license for 1 server. You must delete all except 1 OS. Period.

*Don't post here any question about unlicensed products*

This is true for the *binaries* received *only*. Red Hat *cannot* place additional license restrictions on the *source*, as per the GPL:

Section 6 of the GPL ( expressly states "You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein." - that would include limitations on copying, distributing, or modifying the source.

Therefore, Redhat can *only* place additional restrictions on the *binary* copies of RHEL. Their license *only* applies to the binaries. They *cannot* place a more restrictive license on the SRPMS, or they violate the GPL.

Ken Snider

rhel-rebuild mailing list
Hosted at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

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