I thought I was going to be able to install RHEL today after building the RPMs, but it seems that fate is against me.

I booted the machine to take RHEL via a network install and it went through the partitioning and Grub setup ok it them bombed out with the error message: The machine you are trying to install on is not supported by this version of RHEL.

Just before the machine rebooted, I managed to see a lot of errors saying that none of the packages/package groups could be found.

Is this a problem with comps.xml?

I have tried to follow the old howto, and the posts on the mailing list and I was hopeful that it would work - but not so - has anyone else had problems with this, I copied the comps.xml from taroon, but couldn't the /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/check-repository.py as it issued a lot of error messages.

Has anyone else had similar problems?



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