Joe Stevens wrote:
> ...
> I would like to make install CDs, but 
> the 'splitdistro' command seems to have been replaced by 
> ''.
> I couldn't find any documentation on this (it has help, but I 
> couldn't get it to work, it pops a fatal error about .discinfo).  
> ...
> I am probably just missing some step, so if someone 
> could either explain how to us it, or point me to some
> docs I would be grateful.

Here's how I've done it.

The SRPMS dir must exist, even if empty.
# mkdir /buildroot/SRPMS

You need buildinstall's pkgorder.txt in /buildroot for this to work and
release-string probably needs to be the same as with buildinstall.
# --arch=i386 --total-discs=3 --bin-discs=3 --release-string="Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Advanced Server" --pkgorderfile=/buildroot/pkgorder.txt
--distdir=/buildroot/i386 --src-discs=1 --srcdir=/buildroot/SRPMS

New hdlists should be made.
# rm /buildroot/i386-disc1/RedHat/base/hdlist*
# genhdlist --withnumbers --fileorder /buildroot/pkgorder.txt

Then you can make the isos (working dir is /buildroot)
# mkisofs -r -N -L -d -D -J -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o as3-1.iso i386-disc1
# mkisofs -r -N -L -d -D -J -o as3-2.iso i386-disc2
# mkisofs -r -N -L -d -D -J -o as3-3.iso i386-disc3

You can probably do most of these without being root.


Sam J. Engstrom         Tel. +358 400 462442      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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