On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 08:32 pm, you wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Matthew Smith wrote:
> > I compiled the comps source rpm and copied it into the i386/RedHat/RPMS/
> > directory, should it be elsewhere (I've noticed that whitebox has a
> > comps.rpm file in i386/RedHat/base) ?
> Actually there was one there on the taroon-beta CD I used to prepopulate
> the tree and I just left it, not understanding at the time why it was
> there.  Seems it uses that one in preference to the comps-* package in the
> RPMS directory.  So copy in the one you built to /RedHat/base/comps.rpm.

Thanks for that...

Now I get to:
* moving (1) to step preinstallconfig
* moving (1) to step installpackages

at this point the "install exited abnormally"...

I've no idea how to proceed from here (apart from starting with a fresh build 
tree and doing it all again).

any suggestions?

Matt Smith
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