Hi all:

  I'm Chinese and last week I decided to build a customized linux distribution of 
Chinese version based on redhat enterprise 3.0 srpms. I just finished editing 
comps.xml and rebuilding a distribution on my machine without replacing any redhat 
logos and "Red Hat", "RedHat" and "redhat" string. And now I have to do all the 
  I found that this is really an complex thing to do and I feel frustrated and there 
isn't anyone doing this here in Beijing so I cannot discuss this with anyone so I 
found this list.

  Here is what I know about this by far:
     I have to modify anaconda, anaconda-help, and replace all the images in 
     I have to modify comps rpm and rpmdb rpm and rpm rpm.
     I have to modify initscripts rpm.
     I have to modify redhat-release rpm, and change it's name.

  I have several questions:

  1. Exactly which packages should I modify thus the end users will not see any redhat 
things while keep all the redhat copyright things intact ? Has anyone published a 
complete list?
  2. There are three redhat comps srpms, as, es and ws. Do I have to include a comps 
rpm in my distribution? How to build this rpm according to my cust distribution?
  3. What is the use of rpmdb-redhat rpm? How to build my rpmdb-confucious rpm?
  4. Are there any references between these modifications and what are them? I mean, 
i.e. if I change /etc/redhat-release to /etc/confucious-release and do not make any 
related modification, I guess that things will go wrong.
  5. Do I have to modify anything in /usr/lib/rpm/ in my build maching(taroon)?
  6. Anything else to modify?
  7. Is there an howto about all this? I think I need it more than any other people in 
     the solar system.

Sorry for bad English and sorry for asking so many questions in one email.
Any help will be appreciated and happy monkey's year to you all.

Xu Hao

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