On Fri, 9 Jan 2004, twinsen wrote:

> Hi Tom
> About 2:30am this morning i woke up realizing what you
> were saying :-)


> My wife thinks I am mad..I got up and compiled it:

I have one of those also!! :-) She just cannot understand getting up in the 
middle of the night to do this stuff like this.

> --with source and now I have the
> kernel-source-XXXX.rpm
> I just need to figure out what all the --with and
> --without flags are to, like you say, speed up the
> process.

The only thing I suggest is to look at the spec file.
right at the top is a list of what is compiled by default.
You can also simply set the stuff you do not want to 0 and it
will not compile. I prefer the --without stuff so I do not have to
modify the spec file everytime I want to build a kernel though. Although
I will admit I still get some stuff I do not want. I too need to play with
this a little more.

Oh and one more thing you might want to make a link in /usr/src/linux-2.4
to /usr/src/linux. Most 3rd party modules expect the kernel src to be there.

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