[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ethan Gunword) writes:

> We would like to rebuild RHEL without modification except legal thing
> that redhat wants and our group wants. Example like installation
> images and words.
> Which files have to edit and how? Please give us a direction about those.

If the RHEL clones are not good enough for you perhaps you might be
interested in some script I am writing (but are not finished) which
attempt to solve this problem.

The intention is that running from a whitebox machine I can build and
install ALL rpms (including updates) direct from the RHEL src rpms
applying the minimal patches to ensure the build works.

The main difference is the attempt to:

1. Enable automatic download and build of RHEL released src rpms as
they are made available

2. Reduce the differences which CentOS or Whitebox "have to" apply to
remove copyright notices as the binary RPMs themselves would not be
distributed, thus making the resultant installed system look much
closer to an original RHEL build.

3. Use the scripts like the following

$ CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/cvsroot
$ export CVSROOT
$ cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2401/home/cvsroot
CVS password: anoncvs
$ cvs checkout rpmbuild2
$ ln -s rpmbuild2/etc etc
$ ln -s rpmbuild2/bin bin
$ srbs build all

This will attempt to build the latest source rpm available from RH.

Any feedback would be most welcome.


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