On 2/3/12 12:36 PM, Vu Pham wrote:
> I downloaded the source of wget-1.13.4, compiled it ( struggled a little
> bit with the gnutls definition GNUTLS_TLS1_2 which is not available in
> the gnutls.h in RHEL5.4's gnutls-devel-1.4.1-3.el5_4.8), and tried to
> access the same server. It works this time.
> [root@oits wget-1.13.4]# src/wget https://server.domain.org
> --2012-02-03 12:51:01--  https://server.domain.org/
> Resolving server.domain.org...
> Connecting to server.domain.org||:443... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: unspecified [text/html]
> Saving to: `index.html'
>     [ <=>                                   ] 11,577      --.-K/s   in
> 0s     
> 2012-02-03 12:51:02 (58.0 MB/s) - `index.html' saved [11577]
> [root@oits wget-1.13.4]#
> So the cert and its installation are fine. The problem was the wget bug
> on the older version.

If you have a support contract, I would open a public bugzilla and then
open a case with Red Hat and ask them to get you a hotfix wget RPM with
that patch applied.  If they're unwilling to do that, you might have to
maintain your own version of wget.

I would recommend using the RHEL SRPM and trying to apply just that one
patch from upstream.  I've not looked to see if EPEL or another
alternate repo has provided an updated wget RPM.

       Brian Long                             |       |
       Corporate Security Programs Org    . | | | . | | | .
                                              '       '
                                              C I S C O

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