Please! Give me a break.. Reforming the Democratic party doesn't/won't
work. Only reforming; that is changing the entire system works. It is
capitalism that is at the crux of the problem and both parties are
capitalist parties. It is capitalism that is sytemically flawed. Neither
party puts people first. It is all about the money.

Read the article again. A break with the party isn't playing party
politics; it is a break with the system which is incapable of being fixed.


On Sun, 12 Dec 2004, Debra Walker wrote:

>     I'm with you 100%.
>     If progressives fight the entire Democratic Party, the party will
> just shrink, and the Republicans will be stronger than ever.  And anyone
> who says that there's no difference between Republicans and Democrats is
> not paying attention to real live people who inhabit the planet Earth.
>     Kucinich and Dean stayed in the party in spite of a lot of unfair
> treatment from DLC types and some party insiders.  They had good reasons
> to stay.  Progressives will be most effective if we usually cooperate
> with the Democratic Party but we say what we REALLY think, and say it
> loud and clear.  We should flatly contradict the divisive, morally
> repugnant policies of sell-outs like Al From, and refuse to act as if
> they were leading the party.  Progressive Democrats should fight DLC
> types from within the party.

>     Bernie Sanders' approach also makes a lot of sense.  He's an
> Independent, but he doesn't fight with Democrats or undermine Democratic
> candidates.  He initiates sorely needed legislation and takes
> progressive positions in a straightforward way, without expressing
> resentment or bitterness.  I have great respect for Sanders and for
> Greens who take a similar approach.  Democrats should be willing to work
> with them and shouldn't quibble about labels.
> Ed Kent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dean looked good to me on Meet the Press this a.m. I am for us now
> stopping letting ourselves be halted by the charge of "class warfare" --
> that is precisely what the Republicans have been waging in ever more
> terrorist ways since Gingrich and '96 and it is time to speak directly
> to it to keep people from voting for their own financial 'executions'.
> Dean suggests that we must rebuild from the grassroots up in all 50
> states. Right on! I am for remaking, not breaking with the Democratic
> Party. Unhappily revolutions in this country have not worked well for
> those in need. Ed Kent

> > * Breaking with the Democrats
> >
> >
> >

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