On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, John Thornton wrote:

> > > >Incidentally I also support Jewish survival. I'm Jewish. I don't support
> > > >Israeli government policy and neither do most on this list but unlike
> > > >Smith I am pro-Israel, that is, I support Israel's survival and therefore
> > > >Jewish survival, and anything else is antisemitic and anti-Progressive.
> > > >
> > > >Sarah (15-12-2004)
> What exactly are you saying? Can't we keep the religious baloney out of
> this? More have died for religion than any other cause and religion has
> served as justification and method for building feifdoms. I seem to recall
> sometime on here where the moderator said to keep discussion to earthly
> matters. Unless I am misinterpreting your comments and I don't think I am.
> Advance towards humanity, not superstition. Destroy all the temples and
> the churches and the mosques and string up the clerics.
> Sarah (8-12-2004)
> I do notice you don't mention destroying synagogues but the contradiction
> between these two posts is cause for a migraine inducing level of cognitive
> dissonance. Let me see if I understand your position. Eliminate all
> religion from politics except for the creation of a jewish state. Is that
> about right?
> John Thornton

That is a stretch John. It is overreaching in an attempt to make your
point. She says she is Jewish. She says she supports Jewish survival. She
says she supports survival of Israel because there are 6 million Jews in
Israel. I dislike American policies also but I certainly do not suggest
that Americans should be "driven into the sea" which is what the Arab
opposition wants to do in Israel. When they denounce those intentions by
changing their charter it might be a good time to make some very decent
concessions but to hand over the keys to someone, who says they want to
kill you, who is going to fire mortars, into your homes is not a very
cognitive idea.


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