What is so PC about forked tongue? Accusing someone of hypocrisy for
supporting Israel and being an atheist and then quoting some orthodox
rabbi is doing what you find unapproving and disdainful by someone else. I
don't get it. Let me say it again. You don't have to be religious or even
believe in god to be Jewish. Jewish is as much a state of mind, but it is
also a response to antisemitism. Next you will tell us there is no
antisemitism and Jews have not been persecuted for being Jewish by
whatever yardstick others choose to measure them.

Even in America -- http://pnews.org/bio


On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, John Thornton wrote:

> >You speak with forked tongue. You say keep religion out of it and then you
> >attribute your point to Jewish religious fanatics. Yes, we have them too.
> >
> >
> >Sarah
> WOW. Next I'll be called heap big red man or chief. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll
> be called kemosabe. I'm not going to continue to argue the Israel point any
> longer because it is counterproductive but this racist comment is totally
> uncalled for. I would have thought since Hank has a Native American SO he
> would also find this offensive but I guess not. I'm out of here.
> John Thornton

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