Hi bangla vision

I wrote,

>>And sure, wasn't that territory stolen by Moses people after he told
>>everyone on dying that God had given it to them?...

You replied:

> Prophet didn't steal the land..Today's Palestinans are his real progeny among
> whom some some Jews also are there.....
> Zionists are the by product of European fascism who are planted by British
> occupiers...

Well, sorry guy, I don't care WHO was the progeny of who. My point was in 
relation to
boundary disputes and there unjustified myhtical excuses. Moses croaks and on 
tells his people that God said the land in the vallies below were their's... 
And after
murder and mayhem, the land was. That the descendants may be now split across a 
is irrelevant - the land was not owned by tweedledum OR tweedledee.

Share and share alike, I say, and who cares who wishes to say it's all their's 
- it ain't.

I must voice my support of Wendy's contention that this list seems oddly 
skewed, but
would say to her that she should stay as long as she can stomach it and argue 
it out, or
it will be even mor skewed.

Part of the problem [perhaps the crux] is that BOTH sides polarize and come out 
unsupportable rubbish, and a resolution requires them to be willing to venture 
the middle ground.


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