On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Progressive News and Views
> Bandit Apostle - The massacre of the Banu Qurayza tribe proved that
> Allah's apostle was a bandit, a vengeful political leader, a merciless
> executioner, and a slave merchant. It also cast a long shadow over Islam.
> If this new religion was dedicated to advancing the cause of one god, as
> its founder claimed, against the idolatry and polytheism of the desert
> Arabs, why did Muhammad so relentlessly persecute first Judaism and later
> on Christianity and Zoroastrianism, all of which were monotheistic
> religions? With his increase in power, the real character of Allah's
> messenger began to manifest itself. One suspects that his underlying
> motive was power, not religion. As the leader of a gang of robbers, he
> sent his followers on numerous expeditions to raid caravans, ambush the
> different tribes of the desert, slay innocent people, seize their
> property, and enslave their women and children. The booty in these forays
> was enough motive for the greedy desert Arabs to join him.
> * Fruits of Plunder: Wealth and Women
> http://www.pnews.org/PhpWiki/index.php/FruitsOfPlunder

I recommend you all read this and perhaps gain some awareness of the real
nature of Islam as taught by the prophet who claimed he received his
instructions by way of Gabriel from Allah.


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