I am not sure whether she is a Muslim, or like Suha Arafat, a converted 

Rania is a Muslim by faith while Suha was a Greek Orthodox Christian by birth 
but reverted to islam  before marriage...It was well publicized by global 

But you did not answer my question...
Why wassn't this so called right of Jewish statehood exercised in Germany where 
Jews were said to
be pursecuted..?

In any case, the USA for sure must be some sort of a caliphate according to a 
vision of some short of parliamentary perks future politicians in 3999.....

Good comment..It is the core philosophy of fascist segment of America...But 
that will ultimately reain as a dream...

"MichaelK." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
She is a US-born American of an Arabic descend.

I am not sure whether she is a Muslim, or like Suha Arafat, a converted 

In any case, the USA for sure must be some sort of a caliphate according to a 
vision of some short of parliamentary perks future politicians in 3999.

Ho ho ho..........


bangla vision wrote:
Queen Rania is a Palestinian by birth...

>Denying the Jewish right on historically proven statehood because of the
Jews' non-Muslim....
Well.Why isn't this so called right exercised in Germany where Jews were said to
be pursecuted

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