Thanks.,that helps...

So..what happens if  I have in existing path on a smaller drive and I
attach a new volume and switch?  In essence looking for best practice on
how ot handle this.

Is it better to do a rolling upgrade where I start new machines fresh with
1T then remove the smaller nodes 1 by one?  So...I have three nodes with 20
gigs each.  Increase to 6 nodes.  Then one one by remove the old nod and
now back to three with 1T each.  It does seem that a rolling upgrade
involves much less risk.


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Sean Carey <> wrote:

>  Hey David,
> You are correct. You can do 1 of two things here:
> 1) Mount your 1TB volume to /var/lib/riak. All ring, and backend data will
> be stored there.
> 2) Mount your volume somewhere like /data/riak and switch the
> platform_data_dir config option to reflect that mounted path.
> If you wanted to snapshot your riak data, it all lives in *
> platform_data_dir*
> *
> *
> *
> *
> Hope this helps,
> Sean
> @densone
>  On Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 12:32 AM, David Montgomery wrote:
> Hi,
> I use datapipe for by cloud provider.  An I am rather new from a sysadmin
> perspective of having to attach volumes.  I am using ubuntu 12.04 64.
> that I can attach a 1T volume on machine question is
> this.
> When I mount the new volume.....should I mount  /var/lib/riak?  I see that
> the data directory is  {platform_data_dir, "/var/lib/riak"}, from the
> app.config file.  Thus data will be written to the new drive solely this
> making use of the 1T?  Data will not be stored on the default volume which
> is 20 gigs on datapipe. Then at this point I can snapshot the volume to
> capture all data?
> Thanks
> David
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