
I've been trying to find some comprehensive docs on what Riak http clients need 
to do to properly support dealing with tombstone values. I ran into tombstones 
while debugging some unit tests and I was very surprised that the Basho (http) 
API docs don't mention anything about having to deal with them.

It's very hard to find any kind of complete description on when Riak will 
produce tombstone values in http responses and what the proper way of dealing 
with them is. This makes it very hard to write good unit tests and to implement 
the "correct" behaviour for my riak-scala-client.

Can anyone point me towards a comprehensive description of the expected 
behaviour? Or even a description of what most client libraries end up doing?

For now I just ignore siblings with the X-Riak-Deleted header (undocumented 
AFAIK) when resolving conflicts caused by a delete followed by a put (based on 
the same vclock). I'm not sure this header could (or should) occur in any other 

Here's the online stuff I've found so far:

- A pull request for the java client: 

- The most important commit message for the above pull request: 

- Some interesting code introduced in that commit:

// There is a bug in Riak where the x-riak-deleted header is not returned
// with a tombstone on a 404 (x-riak-vclock exists). The following block can
// be removed once that is fixed
byte[] body = r.getBody();
if (r.getStatusCode() == 404) {
    headers.put(Constants.HDR_DELETED, "true");
    body = new byte[0]; // otherwise this will be "not found"

That bug apparently still exists… do all clients implement this hack? Should 

- A message to this mailing list from October 2011: 


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