Hi Age,

I'm the author of the pull request for the Java client you cite.
There's still inconsistency in how these are returned via the HTTP
protocol. Partially that's my fault in that I didn't open an actual
issue when I discovered the problem I note in my comments. While
reviewing the issue to make sure I answered your question correctly, I
found another.

As of right now (Riak 1.3), here's what you will find:

1) If *only* a tombstone exists when you do a GET for a key, you will
receive a 404 but it will contain the X-Riak-Vclock header (with a
vclock). A "normal" 404 (when there's no object) will not have this

2) If there is a set of siblings, and one of them is a tombstone:

2a) Retrieving all the siblings at once by including "Accept:
multipart/mixed" in the GET will return all the siblings, and the
tombstone will include the "X-Riak-Deleted: true" header

2b) Retrieving each sibling manually by adding ?vtag=XXXXXX to the GET
will (unfortunately) return a 200 OK for the tombstone but it will
have an empty body (Content-Length: 0).

I'm going to open issues for 1 and 2b just so we get things to be
consistent. That being said, I can't think of a reason you'd ever want
to do 2b so at least the impact there is minimized. For 1 you can
obviously still identify a tombstone the same way I'm doing it in the
Java client -> 404 + vclock = tombstone.

_ Roach

On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Age Mooij <age.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to find some comprehensive docs on what Riak http clients
> need to do to properly support dealing with tombstone values. I ran into
> tombstones while debugging some unit tests and I was very surprised that the
> Basho (http) API docs don't mention anything about having to deal with them.
> It's very hard to find any kind of complete description on when Riak will
> produce tombstone values in http responses and what the proper way of
> dealing with them is. This makes it very hard to write good unit tests and
> to implement the "correct" behaviour for my riak-scala-client.
> Can anyone point me towards a comprehensive description of the expected
> behaviour? Or even a description of what most client libraries end up doing?
> For now I just ignore siblings with the X-Riak-Deleted header (undocumented
> AFAIK) when resolving conflicts caused by a delete followed by a put (based
> on the same vclock). I'm not sure this header could (or should) occur in any
> other situation.
> Here's the online stuff I've found so far:
> - A pull request for the java client:
> https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/pull/195
> - The most important commit message for the above pull request:
> https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/commit/416a901ff1de8e4eb559db21ac5045078d278e86
> - Some interesting code introduced in that commit:
> // There is a bug in Riak where the x-riak-deleted header is not returned
> // with a tombstone on a 404 (x-riak-vclock exists). The following block can
> // be removed once that is fixed
> byte[] body = r.getBody();
> if (r.getStatusCode() == 404) {
>     headers.put(Constants.HDR_DELETED, "true");
>     body = new byte[0]; // otherwise this will be "not found"
> }
> That bug apparently still exists… do all clients implement this hack? Should
> they?
> - A message to this mailing list from October 2011:
> http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2011-October/006048.html
> Thanks,
> Age
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