
What I suspect is happening is that only one of the IP addresses you
are passing to addHosts() is actually accepting connections /

The way the ClusterClient works, an operation is going to be retried
on failure (up to three times by default) and as long as the node that
actually is reachable / accepting connections gets tried, this is
going to be hidden from you.

You can test this by changing the retry behavior when you query. For example:

Bucket b = client.fetchBucket("bucket").execute();

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    b.fetch("key").withRetrier(new DefaultRetrier(0)).execute();

- Roach

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Victor <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are currently testing Riak as potential replacement for data warehouse.
> Programmers was pretty happy with single-node operations, but as we switched
> to testing of a cluster, performance of same applications dropped
> significantly with only changes in code:
> Configuration conf = new
> PBClientConfig.Builder().WithHost(ā€œ192.168.149.21ā€).WithPort(8087).build();
> IRiakClient client = RiakFactory.newClient(conf);
> to
> PBClusterConfig clusterConfig = new PBClusterConfig(20);
> PBClientConfig clientConfig = PBClientConfig.defaults();
> clusterConfig.addHosts(clientConfig, "192.168.*.*","192.168.*.*");
> IRiakClient client = RiakFactory.newClient(clusterConfig);
> In the same time, Iā€™m noticed, that if I use riak-admin status |grep node*
> - node_gets_total and node_puts_total rises only on one of the clustered
> machines.
> Is there any way to monitor data distribution, activity and resources of
> nodes in cluster? I saw multiple applications, but usually they provide only
> bucket operations and status.
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