I'm running a database where the values are typically fairly large (1-3Mb). Now 
I'm planning to remove older data (>1 year ago) by moving it into Glacier and 
only keeping some metadata in the database. I am currently planning to remove 
the content of any K/V itself (object.raw_data in the Ruby client) and setting 
some Meta tags as to where the data is stored in Glacier and the encryption 
keys for retrieval and decryption if the data is ever needed.

Now my question is: will this trigger a compaction in LevelDB? If so, when will 
it trigger? Is there some way to monitor this, is there for example a specific 
log entry when compaction is triggered?

Or will it maybe only trigger if the key is completely removed, then I'll 
simply save the metadata to another key, e.g. append "-removed" to the key or 
in another bucket?

Thanks for any feedback,

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