Might also check out riak-manage[1], a tool for quickly setting up and managing 
clusters. I use it on my Mac Pro to manage local clusters. 


[1] https://github.com/basho/riak-manage
Brian Sparrow
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies

Sent with Sparrow (http://www.sparrowmailapp.com/?sig)

On Friday, March 28, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Kelly McLaughlin wrote:

> Try using the devrel Makefile target. It builds a set of releases under dev/ 
> that are able to run on the same machine. 
> Kelly
> On March 28, 2014 at 11:19:09 AM, Massimiliano Ciancio 
> (massimili...@ciancio.net (mailto:massimili...@ciancio.net)) wrote:
> > Hello list, 
> > I'm trying to start two different instances of riak on the same server 
> > in order to have a test instance. I replicated the ..../riak/rel/riak 
> > dir into two dfferent dirs (prod and test) and changed node name and 
> > ports. 
> > To start/stop a node I use full path "/..../riak/rel/prod/bin/riak 
> > start" and "/..../riak/rel/test/bin/riak start" 
> > But starting/stopping a node doesn't work: the two instances of riak 
> > are confused. For example: 
> > - all stopped 
> > - start prod instance -> ok 
> > - start test instance -> the node is already running.... 
> > Same problems even when stopping: the two instances are confused. 
> > 
> > Is there some name/ port I haven't changed? 
> > 
> > Follows my changes: 
> > PROD: 
> > {pb, [ {"", 8087 } ]} 
> > {http, [ {"", 8098 } ]}, 
> > {https, [{ "", 8069 }]}, 
> > {handoff_port, 8099 }, 
> > -name r...@192.168.1.xxx (mailto:r...@192.168.1.xxx) 
> > 
> > TEST: 
> > {pb, [ {"", 18087 } ]} 
> > {http, [ {"", 18098 } ]}, 
> > {https, [{ "", 18069 }]}, 
> > {handoff_port, 18099 }, 
> > -name t...@192.168.1.xxx (mailto:t...@192.168.1.xxx) 
> > 
> > There is more to change? 
> > Is there a better strategy to test on the same servers? 
> > 
> > Thanks in advance 
> > Massimiliano 
> > 
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