Are you using leveldb or bitcask back end?  What is your desired data 
directory?  I will create an example. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 4, 2014, at 3:05 PM, Nabil Hassein <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to change /etc/riak/app.config to store data in a directory of my 
> choosing rather than the default one. Simply changing platform_data_dir to 
> another directory yields errors, even after a `chown -R riak:riak` of the 
> relevant directory; the service starts but any attempts to use the REST API 
> yield 500 Internal Server Errors. Trying to change other things, such as the 
> ring_state_dir, generally results in riak failing to start at all.
> Does anyone have an example configuration where data is stored in a different 
> directory to the defaults, or advice about where I might be going wrong?
> I'm using a binary install of riak 1.4.8 on CentOS, if that's relevant.
> Thanks,
> Nabil
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