What is the output of this command? Please replace RIAK_HOST and
"name_of_the_bucket" with the correct information:

curl "$RIAK_HOST/search/index/name_of_the_bucket"

If the above returns a 404, please use this guide to ensure you've
created the index correctly:


If you expect the index to be there and it is not, the solr.log file
in /var/log/riak could provide a clue.

Luke Bakken

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:59 AM, Alex De la rosa
<alex.rosa....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I had been following the documentation [
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/2.0.0/dev/using/search/ ] about Riak Search and
> the code provided in the site doesn't seem to work?
> Everything I try ends up with an error saying no index found taking the name
> of the bucket as a not found index :(
> riak.RiakError: 'No index <<"name_of_the_bucket">> found.'
> Somebody knows what's going on?
> Thanks!
> Alex
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