Hi Raik user group,

 I'm using riak and riak-cs 1.4.2. Last weekend, I added four nodes to cluster 
with 5 nodes. However, it's failed with one of disks 100% full.
As you know bitcask storage engine can not support multifolders.

After that, I restarted the "riak" and leave the cluster with the command 
"riak-admin cluster leave" and "riak-admin cluster plan", and the commit.
However, riak is always doing KV balance after my submit leaving command. I 
guess that it's doing join cluster progress. 

Could you show us how to accelerate the leaving progress? I have tuned the 
"transfer-limit" parameters on 9 nodes.

below is some commands output:
riak-admin member-status
================================= Membership ==================================
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
leaving     6.3%     10.9%    'riak@'
leaving     9.4%     10.9%    'riak@'
leaving     6.3%     10.9%    'riak@'
leaving     6.3%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid      10.9%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid      12.5%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid      18.8%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid      18.8%     12.5%    'riak@'
valid      10.9%     10.9%    'riak@'

 riak-admin transfer_limit
=============================== Transfer Limit ================================
Limit        Node
  200        'riak@'
  200        'riak@'
  100        'riak@'
  100        'riak@'
  200        'riak@'
  500        'riak@'
  500        'riak@'
  500        'riak@'
  500        'riak@'

Any more details for your diagnosing the problem?


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