Hi Russell,

I'm about start digging into profiling of Riak in order to have a way to 
bottlenecks, so I am very interested in all efforts related to this.

How do you decide what and how to optimise the Map?
What sort of measurements do you do?


Russell Brown writes:

> Honestly, right now we need to work on optimising the Map. We do have a 
> smaller/faster map in a branch that we’re working on shipping soon, as well 
> as other optimisation planned.
> Does your use case have you adding and removing registers, or is this 
> basically a set schema of registers per key? If you’re not removing/re-adding 
> registers, I would use a CRDT not in Riak, but in your application.
> CRDTs in Riak make sense for causal data types: where the actor management is 
> onerous for the client. What you’re modelling using the map looks like Last 
> Write Wins element Set. This is a pretty simple CRDT to make in your own 
> programming language/application, and you can write this data type yourself, 
> and simply store the binary representation of it in riak, using riak’s 
> siblings (allow_mult=true.)  hen your application gets siblings values, 
> simply run you application code’s merge function.
> There are details of the last write elements set here 
> https://github.com/soundcloud/roshi, but all you need to is store a pair 
> (element, TS) for each member in the set. If you’re going to store removing 
> registers it gets more complex…are you?
> Cheers
> Russell
> On 20 Oct 2015, at 20:25, Dennis Nicolay <dnico...@orcawave.net> wrote:
>>   ResultObject cdr;
>>                     while (queued.TryDequeue(out cdr))
>>                     {
>>                         long beforeProcessing = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
>>                         UpdateMap.Builder builder = BuildMapObject(bucket, 
>> cdr);
>>                         UpdateMap cmd = builder.Build();
>>                         RiakResult rslt = client.Execute(cmd);
>> private static UpdateMap.Builder BuildMapObject(string bucketname, 
>> ResultObject cdr )
>>         {
>>             var builder = new UpdateMap.Builder()
>>                .WithBucketType("maps")
>>                .WithBucket(bucketname)
>>                .WithKey(cdr.CdrKey);
>>             var mapOperation = new UpdateMap.MapOperation();
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("FileTimeStamp", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.FileTimeStamp.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("AuditId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.AuditId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CdrId", cdr.CdrValue.CdrId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("IsBillable", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.IsBillable.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SwitchId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SwitchId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SwitchDescription", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SwitchDescription.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SequenceNumber", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SequenceNumber.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CallDirection", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CallDirection.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CallTypeId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CallTypeId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("Partition", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.Partition.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CustomerTrunkId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CustomerTrunkId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("OrigIpAddress", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.OrigIpAddress.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("OrigPort", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.OrigPort.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SupplierTrunkId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SupplierTrunkId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("TermIpAddress", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.TermIpAddress.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("TermPort", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.TermPort.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("Ani", cdr.CdrValue.Ani.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("OutpulseNumber", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.OutpulseNumber.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SubscriberNumber", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SupplierTrunkId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CallingNoa", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CallingNoa.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("DialedNoa", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.DialedNoa.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("OutpulseNoa", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.OutpulseNumber.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("TreatmentCode", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.TreatmentCode.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CompletionCode", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CompletionCode.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CustomerName", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CustomerName.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CustId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CustId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CustContractId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CustContractId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CustCountryCode", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CustCountryCode.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CustDuration", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CustDuration.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("Price", cdr.CdrValue.Price.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("BasePrice", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.BasePrice.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("BillingDestinationName", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.BillingDestinationName.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("BillingGroupId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.BillingGroupId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SupplierName", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SupplierName.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SuppId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SuppId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SuppContractId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SuppContractId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SuppCountryCode", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SuppCountryCode.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SuppDuration", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SuppDuration.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("Cost", cdr.CdrValue.Cost.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("BaseCost", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.BaseCost.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("RoutingDestinationName", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.RoutingDestinationName.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("RoutingGroupId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.RoutingGroupId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("RouteToCountryCode", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.RouteToCountryCode.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("Pdd", cdr.CdrValue.Pdd.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("RealDuration", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.RealDuration.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("StartTime", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.StartTime.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("EndTime", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.EndTime.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("NumberCalled", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.NumberCalled.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CallingLataOcn", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CallingLataOcn.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("DialedLataOcn", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.DialedLataOcn.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("LrnLataOcn", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.LrnLataOcn.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("CustomerPrefix", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.CustomerPrefix.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("SupplierPrefix", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.SupplierPrefix.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("OriginationCountryCode", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.OriginationCountryCode.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("OriginationCost", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.OriginationCost.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("FixedPricePerCall", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.FixedPricePerCall.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("FixedCostPerCall", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.FixedCostPerCall.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("InvoiceId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.InvoiceId.ToString());
>>             mapOperation.SetRegister("BusinessId", 
>> cdr.CdrValue.BusinessId.ToString());
>>             builder.WithMapOperation(mapOperation);
>>             return builder;
>>         }
>> From: Christopher Mancini [mailto:cmanc...@basho.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 11:52 AM
>> To: Mark Schmidt; Alexander Sicular; Dennis Nicolay
>> Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
>> Subject: Re: Using Bucket Data Types slowed insert performance
>> Hi Mark / Dennis,
>> Can you provide the snippet of the code that puts a 5k record onto Riak as a 
>> map?
>> Chris
>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 11:30 AM Mark Schmidt <mschm...@orcawave.net> wrote:
>> Hi folks, sorry for the confusion.
>> Our scenario is as follows:
>> We have a 6 node development cluster running on its own network segment 
>> using HAProxy to facilitate load-balancing across the nodes. A single 
>> Riak-dot-NET client service is performing the insert operations from 
>> dedicated hardware located within the same network segment. We have basic 
>> network throughput capabilities of 100 Mbit with an average speed achievable 
>> of 75 Mbit.
>> The data we are attempting to insert is composed of phone call record 
>> receipts from telephone carriers. These records are batched and written to a 
>> flat file for incorporation into our reporting engine. 1) Our Riak client 
>> process takes a flat file (In this case, a 40MB collection of records, each 
>> record being approximately 5k in size) and parses the entire file so each 
>> record can be added to a local .NET queue.
>> 2) Once the entire file has been parsed and each record loaded into the 
>> local queue, 20 threads are spawned and connections are opened to our Riak 
>> nodes via the HAProxy.
>> 3) Each thread will pull a 5k record from the queue on a first come first 
>> served basis and perform a put to the Riak environment.
>> When first testing our client insert process, we were pushing the 5K records 
>> as whole strings into the Riak environment. Network throughput topped out at 
>> around 80 Mbits with a total load time of 90 seconds for 149k records. When 
>> the client process was modified (same queuing and de-queuing methods) so 
>> that a map datatype bucket would be created and keys stored as registers, we 
>> saw network throughput drop to around 10 Mbit with total upload time 
>> increase to around 270 seconds for the 149k records.
>> It appears as though we’ve either encountered a potential bottleneck 
>> unrelated to network throughput, or we’re just seeing an expected processing 
>> penalty for our use of Riak datatypes. Please note, we’re configuring Zabbix 
>> so we can monitor disk IO on each node as processor and memory resources 
>> don’t appear to be the culprit either.
>> If the reduction in processing speed is a natural consequence to utilizing 
>> Riak data types, is the inter-node network the optimum place to increase 
>> resources? Our eventual datacenter implementation will support speeds of 
>> over 40 Gbit for inter-node communication. We’re just trying to identify 
>> which levers from an operational standpoint we can throw to boost 
>> performance, or if our client implementation is suspect.
>> You bring up some excellent points regarding our use of CRDTs. In our case, 
>> the call data records are mutable as they are subject to changes by phone 
>> carriers for billing error corrections, incorrect data and a host of other 
>> reasons. We may be better served by treating the records as immutable and 
>> performing wide scale record removal and “reprocessing” in the event changes 
>> to existing records are received/requested.
>> Thank you,
>> Mark Schmidt
>> From: Alexander Sicular [mailto:sicul...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:55 AM
>> To: Dennis Nicolay <dnico...@orcawave.net>
>> Cc: Christopher Mancini <cmanc...@basho.com>; riak-users@lists.basho.com; 
>> Mark Schmidt <mschm...@orcawave.net>
>> Subject: Re: Using Bucket Data Types slowed insert performance
>> Let's talk about Riak data types for a moment. Riak data types are 
>> collectively implementations of what academia refer to as CRDT's (convergent 
>> or conflict free replicated data types.) The key benefit a CRDT offers, over 
>> a traditional KV by contrast, is in automatic conflict resolution. The 
>> various CRDT's provided in Riak have specific conflict resolution 
>> strategies. This does not come for free. There is a computational cost 
>> associated with CRDT's. If your use case requires automated conflict 
>> resolution strategies than CRDT's are a good fit. Internally CRDT's rely on 
>> vector clocks (see DVV's in the documentation) to resolve conflict.
>> Considering your ETL use case I'm going to presume that your data is 
>> immutable (I could very well be wrong here.) If your data is immutable I 
>> would consider simply using a KV and not paying the CRDT computational 
>> penalty (and possibly even the write once bucket.) The CRDT penalty you pay 
>> is obviously subjective to your use case, configuration, hw deployment etc.
>> Hope that helps!
>> -Alexander
>> @siculars
>> http://siculars.posthaven.com
>> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
>> On Oct 20, 2015, at 12:39, Dennis Nicolay <dnico...@orcawave.net> wrote:
>> Hi Alexander,
>> I’m parsing the file and storing each row with own key in a map datatype 
>> bucket and each column is a register.
>> Thanks,
>> Dennis
>> From: Alexander Sicular [mailto:sicul...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:34 AM
>> To: Dennis Nicolay
>> Cc: Christopher Mancini; riak-users@lists.basho.com
>> Subject: Re: Using Bucket Data Types slowed insert performance
>> Hi Dennis,
>> It's a bit unclear what you are trying to do here. Are you 1. uploading the 
>> entire file and saving it to one key with the value being the file? Or are 
>> you 2. parsing the file and storing each row as a register in a map?
>> Either of those approaches are not appropriate in Riak KV. For the first 
>> case I would point you to Riak S2 which is designed to manage large binary 
>> object storage. You can keep the large file as a single addressable entity 
>> and access it via Amazon S3 or Swift protocol. For the second case I would 
>> consider maintaining one key (map) per row in the file and have a register 
>> per column in the row. Or not use Riak data types (maps, sets, registers, 
>> flags and counters) and simply keep each row in the file as a KV in Riak 
>> either as a raw string or as a serialized json string. ETL'ing out of 
>> relational databases and into Riak is a very common use case and often 
>> implemented in the fashion I described.
>> As Chris mentioned, soft upper bound on value size should be 1MB. I say soft 
>> because we won't enforce it although there are settings in the config that 
>> can be changed to enforce it (default 5MB warning, 50MB reject I believe.)
>> Best,
>> Alexander
>> @siculars
>> http://siculars.posthaven.com
>> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
>> On Oct 20, 2015, at 10:22, Christopher Mancini <cmanc...@basho.com> wrote:
>> Hi Dennis,
>> I am not the most experienced, but what I do know is that a file that size 
>> causes a great deal of network chatter because it has to handoff that data 
>> to the other nodes in the network and will cause delays in Riak's ability to 
>> send and confirm consistency across the ring. Typically we recommend that 
>> you try to structure your objects to around 1mb or less to ensure consistent 
>> performance. That max object size can vary of course based on your network / 
>> server specs and configuration.
>> I hope this helps.
>> Chris
>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:18 AM Dennis Nicolay <dnico...@orcawave.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m using .net RiakClient 2.0 to insert a 44mb delimited file with 139k rows 
>> of data into riak.  I switched to a map bucket data type with registers.   
>> It is taking about 3 times longer to insert into this bucket vs non data 
>> typed bucket.  Any suggestions?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Dennis
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