Anyone out there?

Here's some more detail on the Erlang builds:

This one works as expected:

sys_system_architecture : <<"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu">>
sys_system_version : <<"Erlang R16B02-basho5 (erts-5.10.3) [source]
[64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:64] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]">>

This one has the problem:

sys_system_architecture : <<"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu">>
sys_system_version : <<"Erlang R16B02_basho6 (erts-5.10.3) [source-bcd8abb]
[64-bit] [smp:24:24] [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true]


On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Chris Read <> wrote:

> Greetings all...
> We've been building riak from source for a while, but I've had trouble
> getting the 2.1 lines built reliably and so would like to revert back to
> using the .deb package. The problem I have is that in our test environment
> we always manage to max out node_put_fsm_active under sustained write
> loads, and they never drop.
> When running riak 2.0.4 on R16B02-basho5 (our current prod version)
> everything is working as expected.
> Using the .deb package of 2.0.4 pushes us to R16B02_basho6, which is where
> we see the problem arrive of node_puts_fsm_active going up and never
> dropping back own again, even after the write load stops.
> Further testing with the riak 2.0.6 2.1.1 .deb packages (both contain
> R16B02_basho8) show the same problem.
> Questions I have are:
> 1) Anyone else seen this?
> 2) Is there any way I can see why these FSM's appear to be deadlocked?
> Thanks,
> Chris
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