Hi Ben,

Just to double-check:
1) is Stanchion installed and running, when you try to create the user?
(and the stanchion_host entry is pointing to it, in cs config?)

2) is anonymous_user_creation = on in the config file?

3) do you have 'buckets.default.allow_mult = true' in the Riak config file?

4) (this is likely to be yes, but just to check) Have you restarted Riak
since configuring the advanced.config backend?


On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 6:40 PM, Ben Rudolph <brudo...@dimagi.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've almost completed the cluster setup but am running into issues with
> anonymous user creation. All machines ping/pong and their IPs are matching.
> When I run the curl command to create an anonymous user:
> curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST http://**:8080/riak-cs/user
> --data '{"email":"em...@email.com", "name":"admin_user"}'
> And I get an XML response that says Internal Server Error. The console.log
> file looks like this:
> 2015-11-24 23:16:35.572 [error] <0.439.0> Webmachine error at path
> "/riak-cs/user" :
> {error,{error,{badmatch,{error,malformed_xml}},[{riak_cs_s3_response,xml_error_code,1,[{file,"src/riak_cs_s3_response.erl"},{line,335}]},{riak_cs_s3_response,error_response,1,[{file,"src/riak_cs_s3_response.erl"},{line,249}]},{riak_cs_wm_user,accept_json,2,[{file,"src/riak_cs_wm_user.erl"},{line,119}]},{webmachine_resource,resource_call,3,[{file,"src/webmachine_resource.erl"},{line,186}]},{webmachine_resource,do,3,[{file,"src/webmachine_resource.erl"},{line,142}]},{webmachine_decision_core,resource_call,...},...]}}
> in riak_cs_s3_response:xml_error_code/1 line 335
> Which led me to this issue here
> <https://github.com/basho/riak_cs/issues/970>. However my advanced.config
> already looks like this (which is what is suggested in the issue):
> [
>  {riak_kv, [
>               {add_paths, ["/usr/lib/riak-cs/lib/riak_cs-2.0.1/ebin"]},
>               {storage_backend, riak_cs_kv_multi_backend},
>               {multi_backend_prefix_list, [{<<"0b:">>, be_blocks}]},
>               {multi_backend_default, be_default},
>               {multi_backend, [
>                   {be_default, riak_kv_eleveldb_backend, [
>                       {total_leveldb_mem_percent, 30},
>                       {data_root, "/opt/data/riak/leveldb"}
>                   ]},
>                   {be_blocks, riak_kv_bitcask_backend, [
>                       {data_root, "/opt/data/riak/bitcask"}
>                   ]}
>               ]}
>   ]}
> ].
> Any insight would be useful!
> Thanks,
> Ben
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