Guillaume -

Some colleagues had me carefully re-read those stats. You'll notice
that those "put" stats are only for consistent or write_once
operations, so they don't apply to you.

Your read stats show objects well within Riak's recommended object size:

node_get_fsm_objsize_100 : 10916
node_get_fsm_objsize_95 : 7393
node_get_fsm_objsize_99 : 8845
node_get_fsm_objsize_mean : 4098
node_get_fsm_objsize_median : 3891

So that is not the issue.

Are you using Bitcask? If so, please apply these sysctl settings:

If you are using the default "vm.dirty_*" settings Linux will appear
to pause as it flushes disk buffers to the underlying device. The
settings in the document change this so that flushes happen more often
and asynchronously.

Luke Bakken

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Guillaume Boddaert
<> wrote:
> Here we go for a complete round of my hosts, all are objsize : 0
> Here is a sample answer (headers only, that are followed by the full set of
> JSON content) from the RIAK5 host
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> X-Riak-Vclock: a85hYGBgzGDKBVI8xTxKnGbpn7QYuPafyWBKZMxjZXjyYfYFviwA
> Vary: Accept-Encoding
> Server: MochiWeb/1.1 WebMachine/1.10.8 (that head fake, tho)
> Link: </buckets/twitter>; rel="up"
> Last-Modified: Mon, 02 May 2016 15:40:20 GMT
> ETag: "2l2QODpewyBZQFqDnyEy3F"
> Date: Mon, 02 May 2016 15:40:20 GMT
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 10722
> Below the riak-admin status output.
> admin@riak1:~$ sudo riak-admin status | grep -e 'objsize' | grep 'put'
> consistent_put_objsize_100 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_95 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_99 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_mean : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_median : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_100 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_95 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_99 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_mean : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_median : 0
> admin@riak2:~$ sudo riak-admin status | grep -e 'objsize' | grep 'put'
> consistent_put_objsize_100 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_95 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_99 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_mean : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_median : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_100 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_95 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_99 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_mean : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_median : 0
> admin@riak3:~$ sudo riak-admin status | grep -e 'objsize' | grep 'put'
> consistent_put_objsize_100 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_95 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_99 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_mean : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_median : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_100 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_95 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_99 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_mean : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_median : 0
> admin@riak4:~$ sudo riak-admin status | grep -e 'objsize' | grep 'put'
> consistent_put_objsize_100 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_95 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_99 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_mean : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_median : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_100 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_95 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_99 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_mean : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_median : 0
> admin@riak5:~$ sudo riak-admin status | grep -e 'objsize' | grep 'put'
> consistent_put_objsize_100 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_95 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_99 : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_mean : 0
> consistent_put_objsize_median : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_100 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_95 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_99 : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_mean : 0
> write_once_put_objsize_median : 0
> On 02/05/2016 17:32, Luke Bakken wrote:
>> Could you please check the objsize stats on every Riak node? If they
>> are all zero then ... ????
>> --
>> Luke Bakken
>> Engineer

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